Return to Index › Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou
#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-20
Re: Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou

I also tried to ask for email and or contact information from previous employees and have not even gotten a response.

In that case just forget about this employer.

#2 Parent carly - 2013-07-20
Re: Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou

Hi Evelyn,
Wow your experience with this employer is terrifying. I recently was requited by this same school and was wondering if you would mind going into a bit more detail of your experience. I also tried to ask for email and or contact information from previous employees and have not even gotten a response. How long did you end up staying in the end, like how early did you leave? Also did you have to pay any extra money to end your contract? If it would be easier to stay in contact via personal email I would be more than happy to give you that info. Thanks for your insight, hope to hear from you soon!

#3 Parent Evelyn - 2013-04-29
Re: Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou

Thanks everyone for their responses.

I would like to highlight that I just posted this as a warning for other teachers who may be considering working there. If you choose to do so, then at least you're informed.

I loved my time in China and would thorougly recommend going. It was a big learning curve. Saying that, I disagree with some of the statements on this thread. You can't paint everyone with the one brush.

I had a bad experience at this school. If you care to read the original post again, note that I've said this is only some of the things I encountered. There are causes to worry when your Chinese friends are warning you against your employer and your working conditions. Finally, please note that I did not mention what incident caused me to leave in the end.

Thanks for the concern: despite a threatening message from my 'lovely' employer, I was fine when I left my job. Just as safe and comfy as what I would have been in the West in a similar situation.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-27
Re: Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou

You are doing everybody a huge favor. Greedy Chinese owners will not be going away anytime soon and someone such as this person whom you had the misfortune of encountering will surely be trying to sucker more new teachers in within the foreseeable future. He might even change the "school" 's name. Yangzhou is a nice city, but it has too many pretend "schools" and not enough real ones.

#5 Parent foxy - 2013-04-27
Re: Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou

I am, I think, the only regular on this forum who sees the need for TA's, the others being vehemently against TA's; so I sympathise with you that you had none.

U think wrong!

#6 Parent Evelyn - 2013-04-27
Re: Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou

In fairness, I done barely any research. So my bad. Yes, they did pay me for the milk. However, I don't think any payment would have made up for an experience with the Chinese Police.

I did try to google them before I went over and it turned up no information. I took the optimistic view and thought no news, is good news.

I also asked to speak to past/existing foreign teachers there and my employer didn't see the need for this.

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-26
Re: Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou

I was asked to bring over Western Baby Milk Powder - I later found out that if I'd gotten caught, I was actually smuggling these products into the country.
- NO language assistants provided in the classrooms - we raised this as an issue and it was overlooked. We later got disciplined about the children not being able to speak English....

Well, we don't want to be afraid of our own shadows, and a case-full of baby milk won't see you into the Bangkok Hilton- the main thing is, did they pay you for the milk?

I am, I think, the only regular on this forum who sees the need for TA's, the others being vehemently against TA's; so I sympathise with you that you had none.

Can I ask you if you did proper research before accepting the position- how many current and past teachers did you speak with before leaving the West?

Evelyn - 2013-04-26
Lucky Kids Kindergarten, Jiangdu, Yangzhou

Beware this school! This employer took advantage from the start. Here are just a few things I encountered:

- I was asked to bring over Western Baby Milk Powder - I later found out that if I'd gotten caught, I was actually smuggling these products into the country.
- NO language assistants provided in the classrooms - we raised this as an issue and it was overlooked. We later got disciplined about the children not being able to speak English....
- Contracted for 27 hours - this means teaching hours. He didn't take account of any hours needed to lesson plan or correct homework.
- You're hired out to other schools and the employer keeps a large proportion of the money he earns from your work.
- You'll be responsible for almost 1000 students. No support provided.
- You working week will have little structure. There will be little room for relaxing or enjoying the local tourist sites or travelling outwith the locality.
- The school recruits volunteers and asks them to 'make up' their hours in other locations...
- The school is actually based at least 45 minutes from Yangzhou. Jiangdu is the countryside for the Chinese in this region.
- No help in locating Chinese lessons. When I asked about a language exchange, I was informed that this was a breach of my contract. Over the course of my time there only one other teacher spoke any English to me.
- Towards the end of the contract, they introduced a financial penalty system for leaving work early, turning up late, being sick or not turning up to work.
- Finally, I've since seen this schools advertisment for this year. They are offering 2 weeks holidays. We got 4 weeks and we had to continously fight for that. Please note, if you take this position, that the Chinese get holidays at specific times of the year and you are entitled to these.

The liason/individual hiring native English speakers in this school has major communication issues. It's a pity the major shareholder has not more English as the experience would have been much better. Despite living in a western country for a significant period of time this recruiter was disinterested in learning from our working experience. If you want to work in a school which offers no support, no training and is disinteresting in your contributions, this is the place to go. This recruiter/employer basically acts as an agent and you will be treated accordingly.

I would recommend going to China, and even to Yangzhou, to teach English but not to this school. In the end I had to do a midnight run from here.

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