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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-01
Re: Let's stick to the point lads.

Cornish pasties are 'alreet. Now then, how is your german pengyou?

Can't speak a word of it. Oh, see what you may mean...I have no German friends- or enemies.

#2 Parent Doncaster Sewage Worker - 2013-05-01
Re: Let's stick to the point lads.

Cornish pasties are 'alreet. Now then, how is your german pengyou?

#3 Parent San Migs - 2013-04-30
Re: IBI Nizwa Oman

I'd agree about the Omanis being hospitable.

I was referring to G((y btw claiming to be an Omani, or so he told me when half drunk, which was often.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-30
Re: IBI Nizwa Oman

but not to a 2nd rate piece of shit like this guy who has had the trousers down of many a teacher he has had here. He must be careful now because he is being watched.

He's either exceeding charming, or a part time Tailor hahaha.

#5 Parent The Brighton Shabab Very Deep Bum Drilling Company - 2013-04-30
Re: IBI Nizwa Oman

The guy isnt an Omani, just an unscrupulous person. Despite what he does and how he behaves, this is no reflection on the Omani people, for they are generally very polite, hospitable and friendly. They are not like the run of the mil Arabs, and generally reflect the tolerance their sultan displays. Its a great place of natural rugged beauty, but its ugly bastards like this person and G**y that gives Brits abroad a very bad name. He is just a piece of shite, and one that owes everyone money. How he is allowed to remain here is above me. He might walk away free here, but when he goes back to the UK he will find the HM Inspector of Taxes wants to have a word. Oman, like all other Arab countries is dry, and has purity laws, and shites like this cannot control themselves for 5 minutes or obey the laws of the land. His school and venture will collapse at some point. Its best if the locals go to the British Council or University for their education if they desire, but not to a 2nd rate piece of shit like this guy who has had the trousers down of many a teacher he has had here. He must be careful now because he is being watched.

#6 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-30
Re: Let's stick to the point lads.

I thought ye from barnstaple like, cider country.

Either way, Barnstaple sounds like it belongs to yorkshire, battered fish, curry sauce, warm bitter and all.

Try hot Cornish pasties. Bitter should be warm, otherwise the flavour will be killed.....about 52 Fahrenheit...according to the bitter.

#7 Parent River Don Sewage Worker - 2013-04-30
Re: Let's stick to the point lads.

I thought ye from barnstaple like, cider country.

Either way, Barnstaple sounds like it belongs to yorkshire, battered fish, curry sauce, warm bitter and all.

#8 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-29
Let's stick to the point lads.

This definitely sounds like the fella who was g&&&s mate who used to frequent the Falaj pub. As for the stories of him liking younger males, yes, I did hear about that too, and of course his getting barred and having no money and borrowing off he used to tell everyone he was an Omani!!:):)

We have to be careful here; just because this bloke is a homosexual doesn't make him a bad person. I spose if you're that way inclined you would go for the younger male; I mean to say, you wouldn't be running around trying to date up old gits with dentures and varicose veins, now would you? Be a bit like our testosterone poster sniffing around those old Chinese women with feathers who dance in the park- he wouldn't do that, I know. i am saying, we should stick to the point more.

Are you any relation to the Doncaster Sewage Worker who posted here? Hahaha. ; "Now students, listen up, if you want to get ahead, and repeat after me NOWT FOR OWT- WHERE THERE BE MUCK THERE BE BRASS...and as my old Doncaster granddad used to say..ONLY CREAM AND SHIT RISES......"

#9 Parent The Brighton Shabab Bum Drilling Company - 2013-04-29
Re: IBI Nizwa Oman

This Guy has had problems everywhere, and he owes everyone money. Many have come, and many have gone: Ben and Sophie (British couple) , Mike B[edited] who was forcefully sent back home also with unpaid salaries, Caroline K[edited], an Indian national, Tony F[edited], Graham B[edited]. He has made death threats and used his friends in the Police to enforce them. He is aided by a local Police Captain. The Embassy advised complaining and seeking protection from the Police in Boucher or MUSCAT.

He never goes to the phone, and tells his secretary to tell those looking for him not to tell them where he is. Its the only school that has a bad reputation, and it isnt Omani, but British. Have a look at these threads:

There are many threads right throughout the internet, and he has traded under many names: PSC or IQ Centre or even the new company the International Business Institution in Nizwa.

This guy is really very dangerous, and is now a subject of investigation by UK Authorities, especially where fraud is concerned (Inland Revenue: HM I Spector of Taxes).

He has a teacher from Canada now, he is 66, hasnt worked in a couple of years, hope he will wake up to the scam before its too late.


#10 Parent River Don Sewage Worker - 2013-04-29
Re: IBI Nizwa Oman

This definitely sounds like the fella who was g&&&s mate who used to frequent the Falaj pub. As for the stories of him liking younger males, yes, I did hear about that too, and of course his getting barred and having no money and borrowing off he used to tell everyone he was an Omani!!:):)

#11 Parent U. N. Bekannt - 2013-04-28
Re: IBI Nizwa Oman

No, G**y is not there, only a guy called C**** M******. Yes, its down where you say it was. The Police, Inland Revenue are now involved and the British Embassy. The guy is a crook. He says that none of the stories are true, yet all the stories are written by independent teachers that do not know each other. He is involved in drunken debauchery, been barred from the hotel, and relationships with young boys. It was a mistake to come. I dont know how this guy gets away with it? But, he does, and the local Police are in on his scam. He gets his Secretary to tell lies for him, well, it doesnt wash anymore. I think after this episode that no more teachers will be coming.

#12 Parent River Don Sewage Worker - 2013-04-26
Re: IBI Nizwa Oman

Is someone called G**y involved? Last I remember this guy, and I think it is the same guy was operating down past the petrol station before a roundabout in that dry, dusty, desert town?

U. N. Bekannt - 2013-04-26
IBI Nizwa Oman

Be careful of this recruiter Chris Mxxxxxx. He is from Brighton, says he is a one time Professor of Brighton University. This is being checked out by Authorities now. He is a con man and has had a string of teachers all of whom have written bad reports about him and all the businesses he had traded under. Things will start off well and then go sour. He will want you to work about 50 hours a week, and will deduct base country and local taxes at source. The Police and Inland Revenue in the UK are on to this scam. Many teachers have been ripped off by this rogue recruiter. Be really careful, because you will be left high and dry if you do come. This guy, if you read all the other comments, you will see what he has been involved in, and there is no shame in him. He tells lies, and believes in the lies that he tells. Your documents will never go to Manpower services for approval, all you get is lie after lie after lie each week about your documents. He is well in with the Police, and they too are in on his scam. Consider all things very carefully before you do commit yourself and decide to come. He has had no teachers in over a year, and he brags he has local expats that work for him, but no one ever sees or hears from them. Be warned.

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