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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-05
Re: You've got a wife? That's nice.

It is nice to hear people bring up points that back up their opinions, which you have done. The more others try to cut you down by saying it is your own fault for complaining, the more successful you show your points to be. I have wondered if some of the trolling types maybe agree with you 100 percent on everything, but cannot find a better way to support these views. By taking up the mantle of Devil's Advocate and playing the role of the Clueless One they actually help the cause of views that we have agreed on. Definitely amusing to say the least.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-05-04
Re: You've got a wife? That's nice.

In their case I think it is/was their sexual prowess that held those relationships together. Obviously, most of the local Chinese men could not compete with them in regard to bedroom sports!

So true... This has nothing do with size either. Not smoking like a chimney, actually making an effort with foreplay and not suffering from premature ejaculation doesn't half help. Then again Chinese lads often never learn how to tread water due to having shared dormitories from school days onwards. But being selfish and blowing their cookies in less than 5 minutes doesn't help either.

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