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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-13
Re: You've got a wife? That's nice.

You are speaking to a poster who probably believes that anyone who complains about 2nd hand smoking is being holier than thou. I have had enough 2nd hand smoke to last a lifetime I'm afraid to say, and it comes from the fact that there are too many folks who do not care.

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-12
Re: You've got a wife? That's nice.

Utter nonsense, that is like saying injecting heroin is good because it makes you skinny and malnourished, so you will lose weight.

Yes, it may be good for losing weight, if you don't mind lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema and so on...

You are right,Collyhurst Sewage Worker, smoking won't do you any good but rather annoyingly for holier than though non smokers, a fatter than it should be gut, will send you to the morgue a lot earlier than fags will. There's other considerations for society, other grim costly shitty considerations, and you should be aware of these because of your past profession as a sewer worker- EXCRETION- people with big guts eat too much and excrete too much- they overload the sewage systems, and they have the impudence to expect to only pay the same as slim people who eat far less, towards the disposal of all this processed food they shove down their throats with gay abandon. Every time I board an aeroplane I feel very bitter that fat slobs who may weigh twice as much as I do are paying the same as I do for their tickets. Personally, I feel we should all be weighed before boarding aeroplanes- overweight people should be charged more and the thinner you are the less you should pay. Am I right or am I right? All in all, fags can be a life-saver...better to nibble on a woodbine hahaha, than a chocolate chippy- and you won't be making them chums of yours at collyhurst work too hard.

#3 Parent Collyhurst Sewage Worker - 2013-05-12
Re: You've got a wife? That's nice.

Smoking is good for losing weight because it speeds up your metabolism

Utter nonsense, that is like saying injecting heroin is good because it makes you skinny and malnourished, so you will lose weight.

Yes, it may be good for losing weight, if you don't mind lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema and so on...

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-11
Re: You've got a wife? That's nice.

Actually, now I am four to five kilos overweight. I can't understand it, cause I have been walking so much everywhere. Anyway, I've stayed the same weight for the last 12 months, at leasst not putting it on. Guess the beer and expensive restauraunts don't help!

You should nip that in the bud- the problem is, the older we get the slower our metabolism. Walking burns very few extra calories, you need to power-walk at least. Smoking is good for losing weight because it speeds up your metabolism and is not so bad for you as central obesity(over 37 inches above the naval measurement-waist not belt measurement) All due respect to Foxy Poster, but I'll wager he's built like a pipe cleaner, knowing what faith he puts in a fag or three.

What is obesity?
Lene Justesen - obesity
You are apple-shaped if fat is on the stomach.

Obesity is more than just a few extra pounds.

Obesity is the heavy accumulation of fat in your body to such a degree that it rapidly increases your risk of diseases that can damage your health and knock years off your life, such as heart disease and diabetes.

The fat may be equally distributed around the body or concentrated on the stomach or midrift (apple-shaped) or the hips and thighs (pear-shaped).

For medical purposes, the body mass index (BMI) is used to determine if your weight is in the healthy range.

Doctors use BMI because it compares your weight against your height.

However, it's now recognised that central obesity (ie apple shaped obesity) is especially harmful to health. So, it's also recommended that abdominal waist measurements are done to assess overweight.

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