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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-16
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

Sounds like you have thngs well sorted out. Nuts are good and I notice you are wisely not having them as well as a lot of food because they are rather high in calories. I spose a good few of their calories could be negative ones since the body has to use a lot of energy to process the rascals. Well done. If you're trim with a six pack you get the girls too-and you are proff of that. FT's with spare tyres have to become grumblers as they have too much time on their hands instead of nice Chinese girl of their hands.

#2 Parent juanisaac - 2013-05-16
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

You ARE right! I also use another diet that is easier to lose or maintain current weight. I only eat twice day, at lunch and again at 8 pm. From my last dinner at night until lunch the next day I eat nothing. So I fast for 16 hours. Of course, you can't pig out on your two meals but you can eat until you are full and eat more of what you want. You will feel some hunger pangs in between meals, but that is what makes you thin. In between your lunch and dinner you can have a snack or two. I usually eat some nuts.
This diet is called "Intermitant Fasting." This is not an Adkins diet becuase you can eat more of what you want. Once in a while I eat some bread and a desert when I am on this diet. Good luck to all.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-15
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

There seems to be a weight issue among so posters. I used to weigh 120 kilos 6 years ago and now I weigh 68 kilos. I will direct you to a diet made by an American doctor named Joseph Mercola. It is called the "No Grain Diet." It is pretty simple to follow. Just look for the name on google and you can get the basics for free on-line. The first few weeks were a little difficult since my body was adjusting to a new diet. When I gett really hungry during a meal I eat a couple of handfuls of nuts, and I am not hungry anymore. Now it is pretty easy to follow.
For the drinkers here, giving up alocohol or cutting back may be difficult. Good luck to all.

WOW you did well! Although a little bit of just going without is character building- it's a thing we have to do in China. Losing weight should be a painful uncomfortable experience-Just do it. am i right or am I right?

#4 Parent juanisaac - 2013-05-15
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

There seems to be a weight issue among so posters. I used to weigh 120 kilos 6 years ago and now I weigh 68 kilos. I will direct you to a diet made by an American doctor named Joseph Mercola. It is called the "No Grain Diet." It is pretty simple to follow. Just look for the name on google and you can get the basics for free on-line. The first few weeks were a little difficult since my body was adjusting to a new diet. When I gett really hungry during a meal I eat a couple of handfuls of nuts, and I am not hungry anymore. Now it is pretty easy to follow.
For the drinkers here, giving up alocohol or cutting back may be difficult. Good luck to all.

#5 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-14
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

I doubt that they smoke, too busy with their crap they are selling by telemarketing!...hahaha

Sometimes their products are of good quality- the problem is that they like to sell it to people who have no real need for the product. They are ordinary people as it happens-ordinary people who will lie and cheat for a commission. Take another type of human- Collyhurst Sewer Worker comes from a long line of father to son sewer workers, honest folk, who could always hold their heads up high- sometimes they had to, to get a breath of fresh air and puff a woodbine through some manhole cover, standing on a comrades shoulders....but they had pride and self-respect which sales people cannot have; especially tele-sales people. Collyhurst sewer workers would think a comrade some sort of weirdo if he didn't share a Players Weight, a Senior Service, or a Woodbine with his mates.- they would adopt Foxy Poster, call him one of their own, pat him on the back and give him a fag-am I right or am I right?

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