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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-17
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

No, no, no, women like a bit of a paunch, especially if it has some western male hair on it.

If you're happy being abdominally obese and it works for you, then stay that way. I am merely advising other FT's with surplus fat who can't find love in China(save in pink rooms) that they'd be more successful looking like David Beckham as opposed to Mr Pickwick. Or in your case Mr Pickwick with a knuckle-duster hahaha. all good fun.

#2 Parent Les Battersby - 2013-05-16
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

No, no, no, women like a bit of a paunch, especially if it has some western male hair on it. Let's face it a skinny junkie look like Renton from trainspotting is not attractive or virile now is it, as long as you are well muscled elsewhere and can "rise" to the occasion, chinese girls can be very forgiving, dui bu dui? As long as you can smack her head into the headboard hard in bed, they don't care whether you have a paunch from too much guinness and meat and potato pie and curry sauce ships. And the chinese are a nice lot, in that they let us have irish pubs in their cities, so you can get a decent pint from time to time. Chengdu has the Shamrock run by a paddy fellow, nice to have a swift pint of the home country stuff from time to time (the naale stout made in china does not count, fizzy alkaline crap!)

Either way, you know I am intolerably right:D

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-16
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

No mention of me liking those disgusting foreign creations called cigars, only irish beer is the only foreign creation I imbibe and partake of. And nothing wrong with guinness it is good for you, puts lead in your pencil as the old war veterans used to say. [edited]

It will dissipate inhibitions but will certainly give you brewers droop; whereas a nice fag with keep you on a strong and upright course and will less likely induce blood pressure, heart trouble and an early death as being overweight. Brewers droop types end up as China grumblers because only pink room ladies consider the amount of coaxing, fiddling and positioning as being part of the job. No disrespect aimed at you mind. Am I right or am I right?

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-16
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.


Don't get me wrong you FT's who like to enter the classroom slightly under the influence of drink- as long as your speech isn't slurred you're okay for oral English teaching. As far as health and how you look(no flat tum?) now that's a different matter, and you'd do better to reach for a fag rather than 'substantially worse for you' drink. We should all use common sense.

#5 Parent Collyhurst Sewage Worker - 2013-05-15
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.


#6 Parent Les Battersby - 2013-05-15
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

No mention of me liking those disgusting foreign creations called cigars, only irish beer is the only foreign creation I imbibe and partake of. And nothing wrong with guinness it is good for you, puts lead in your pencil as the old war veterans used to say. [edited]

#7 Parent Les Battersby - 2013-05-15
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

Guinness is better for you than smoking, even if you drink it every day. Are you defending lung cancer, bronchitis, heart disease, secondary to someone who has studied these things then get back to me [edited]

#8 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-15
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

[edited], do you or do you not have the occasional cigar? Guinness is really disgusting you need a fag to get the taste out of your mouth and a finger down the throat to rid of 5000 calories a pint.

Just in case you thought I swore at you dear boy, the edited was an English expression like "play cricket will you" an expression hundreds of years old but the cricket one only about a hundred- all good fun eh?

#9 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-15
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

And so should skinny armed gangly junkie looking smokers be banned from blowing their carcogenic air around me when I am trying to enjoy a cold pint of guiness with a crisp copy of the international herald in the bookworm. Frasier Crane said it best, my guests who do smoke, customarily, do so outside on the balcony.

[edited], do you or do you not have the occasional cigar? Guinness is really disgusting you need a fag to get the taste out of your mouth and a finger down the throat to rid of 5000 calories a pint.

#10 Parent Les Battersby - 2013-05-14
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

worse for you and an insult to the eye-people with guts should be banned from removing their attire in public- it's horrible.

And so should skinny armed gangly junkie looking smokers be banned from blowing their carcogenic air around me when I am trying to enjoy a cold pint of guiness with a crisp copy of the international herald in the bookworm. Frasier Crane said it best, my guests who do smoke, customarily, do so outside on the balcony.

#11 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-14
Re: Fags is bad but overweight is worse.

When i had weight problems the only way I was able to deal with it, is to simply be hungry most of the time. i don't believe in throwing oneself into exercise if one is overweight because it puts too much strain on joints, and that's not good. Even living a sedentary life one can lose weight by reducing calorie intake. You are right, we should all look after our health. Fags are not good and I don't smoke-however, I don't think it's right that smokers are persecuted and looked down on- I tend to look down more on surplus fat-worse for you and an insult to the eye-people with guts should be banned from removing their attire in public- it's horrible.

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