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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-02
Re: Regarding you specifically

I do not care about calling others names unless I see them to be the trivial, immature, and indecent human beings that they show themselves to be and this includes them calling me names first. I had specifically wrote a post to you back in February on stopping the argument and "making peace" which includes in my mind not calling you any more names and of course expecting that you would reciprocate on your part. Unfortunately, you did not take this to heart. No sooner had I posted my post that you attempted to take a mile after I gave an inch by suggesting that the other troll who stopped posting should not have been "run off" this board. I of course was the one having the main argument with him and I made an unfavorable comment towards him, of which you then went back to the name calling.

I think from the posts you have made you certainly do not have my empathy, attention, or worst of all for you my respect. Certainly, telling others they can't do anything about things they may have went through and even making a mockery of this would only deem what you write worthy of being ignored.

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-01
Re: This board just has too many different opinions

Of course, the poster who responded to you will even type "*cackling" in one of his posts and still call himself a "grovelling weasel". This insult is something I do not use anymore due to the originator of this phrase having both legs on two different ships (to

What does that mean-isn't the collective noun for hyena 'cackle? What about weasel-'sneak?

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-01
Re: This board just has too many different opinions

This is a response to JFC directly. After looking at these threads I myself would say that the differing opinions often create confusion. I myself consider a Hyena to be like the former boss at a TC I worked at who still owes me money. Of course, the poster who responded to you will even type "*cackling" in one of his posts and still call himself a "grovelling weasel". This insult is something I do not use anymore due to the originator of this phrase having both legs on two different ships (to borrow an old Chinese adage of playing both sides) a little too much. Acceptable usage will become only if you are consistent and honest with what you say. I think if you consider yourself an upstanding, moral person you would not feel the need to let this type of issue bother you too much. Certainly, if you believe you are right all along why should you let folks who are amoral and total hypocrites set the boundaries? I am not saying the person whom you are having a direct disagreement is like this, just saying.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-31

Turnoi, I have a question for you. Where in the scheme of all these postings do YOU fit in ? Are you one of the editors or controling figures in these posts ?
I'm just curious. Because I notice that you often have a lot to say about matters and that's all good; but that you also seem to get away with inuendoes,name calling,accusations and sometimes even what I would consider downright insults.But they are NOT EDITED, like some of my not so personal comments were. What's the go ? Can you please clarify the situation for me ?

Hahaha, Turnoi, along with Silverboy and others belong to a faction called "The Sniggering Hyenas" (they're the bad guys) as opposed to yours truly, a grovelling Weasel (all round good egg) who are more enlightened and like to get along with the Chinese. The thing is this- these names are so outlandish, that you are unlikely to be edited if you use them, as they can't really be taken as personal attacks. Also, you can do things to make something acceptable, like this- "Have you been sucking up to the boss again Hahaha You see how the hahaha takes the heat off a bit? Try another "You got your degree in the same place as you got your woman, down the kaosan Road." Well that was pretty personal but if you bung a hahahaha on the end, you might get away with it. Now, i am not saying I have gotten entirely inside the minds of the mods but I'm maybe half way there. Any-body add to this??

#5 Parent JFC - 2013-05-30

Turnoi, I have a question for you. Where in the scheme of all these postings do YOU fit in ? Are you one of the editors or controling figures in these posts ?
I'm just curious. Because I notice that you often have a lot to say about matters and that's all good; but that you also seem to get away with inuendoes,name calling,accusations and sometimes even what I would consider downright insults.But they are NOT EDITED, like some of my not so personal comments were. What's the go ? Can you please clarify the situation for me ?

#6 Parent JFC - 2013-05-30

[edited] What gives you the arrogant right to pretend to know what my situation is or was.
[edited] yes I occassionally like to act as the Devil's advocate in converstaions and discussions,but not to damage people's reputations,be they good or not.

My ealier point was that in MY experience, I had no such problems with either Edison or Linda. I also take offence at your ignorant accusations of being a lackey or of being told to write my comments.Neither party knows about my postings here.I am writing these from my home country.

If people are Naive or Incompetant or simply NOT CAUTIOUS when entering contracts and agreements, (especially in a foreign country),then yes they are very likely to be taken advantage of, in any country.If people do not take time and care to understand how to negotiate affectively or how to deal with issues as they arise then unfortunately they will have to learn through their mistakes.

I realized the negotiating power I had and I used it to my benefit from the beginning.I was not afraid to stand up to them if I felt I was being taken advantage of;and I was prepared to take immediate action,(ie,stop work).

My advice,whether its Edison, Linda or anyone else,is;Don't go in blind;Have your own money for backup in emergrncies.Don't go in depending or relying on them.Don't accept contracts until you have spoken with them in person and everything is clear and acceptable to you.Let them see that you are wise in dealings and that they do not have a hold over you.Tourist Visas can be easily changed to Z Visas when you find a place you are happy with.Be prepared for the worst and anything less is good.

Once you start depending on them, they have you by the balls.Ask for rental subsidy rather than free accommodation.It can be much cheaper this way.Again this is where your reserves may have to kick in initially.NO ONE gets anything for free in business, especially in China (QUANGXI).So BE PREPARED and be SAVVY.

An apology or half an apology would be nicefor your earlier comments about me.Or even if you concede that perhaps you misunderstood the intent of my posting.

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