Return to Index › Re:THE TRUTH - EDISON YE, Linda Chai Shanghai EET or MAJOR ENGLISH
#1 Parent JFC - 2013-06-04

Hi Sarah,
I don't know in depth all the circumstances for all those with complaints; but unfortunately everyone seems to have labelled me a fake,so after this post I won't
continue in this futile dicussion. You have all misinterpreted all I have said very inaccurately,("Dubious,and imposible,such postings are simply fake").
Well its not fake and it was possible ,for me at least. Maybe I was one of the lucky ones,but I still stand by what I said earlier about MY experience;
Even though all the other posters have put a cloud over what I considered to be a great chinese experience,whilst living in Shanghai.
I am still however, seriously considering coming back to China again to teach;maybe not for the forementioned,(Ha Ha),now that you have planted seeds of doubt.
(P.S.monthly installments,rather than lump sum payments for air fares,is how I overcame one issue.It worked for me).
Good bye all. Try to give some positive advice occassionaly too, rather than just negative advice.There are ways of making your teaching experiences good ones.
Good Luck Everyone.(whatever happens,don't stop enjoying your work).

#2 Parent Sarah Harvey. - 2013-06-01

Periodic posting to prompt for an investigation in Songjiang-Shanghai-China by the Chinese authorities.

I worked in Songjiang and I know all about this situation through talking to local ex pats and local Chinese.

Comments favouring Edison Ye, Ken Do Cosmo and Linda Chai in Songjiang near Shanghai are meaningless, the claim to have worked with him for four years without getting ripped off are really dubious and impossible, such postings are simply fake.

Linda Chai runs English schools under a "B" licence which only allows her to employ Chinese nationals for teaching young children so any foreign ESL teacher working with her is automatically working illegally, ( Ken Di Cosmo is a prime example ) unless using one of the scam work visa's supplied by the defunct Japanese school and of course this is still illegal but hush money is paid by Edison Ye to the police and local government offices, he even boasts about this. The fact that she, just like Edison Ye they even teach adults and business English when they are not legally licenced to hire foreigners to do this, speaks for itself.

For Ken Di Cosmo, my only comment is " You should be ashamed of yourself".

I know about teachers that tried to get legal advice and support from the legal system in China to stop him and his circle of crooks but failed because the simple facts are that the law in China does not even slightly protect the rights of foreign nationals and the same applies to any Chinese government office, they are all in on milking foreign nationals and if done so dishonestly, they see this as normal. It is this very dishonest attitude which central government also wants and is trying to "stop".

That Edison Ye pays hush money to the Songjiang police and various government offices makes it very difficult to get any form of justice, people like Ken Di Cosmo are happy to work with him, including ripping off other foreign nationals because in truth the chances of him working in a genuine ESL school are very much close to zero.
The Edison Ye team of seriously dishonest characters usually consists of Edison Ye, his partners David and Jeremy (both Chinese) and of course the truly dishonest Linda Chai. Tagging along with them one can usually find the current elderly foreigner that wants to be in China but could not convince the system for genuine visa's that they are professional ESL teachers. Supporting them is the fake Ping Cheng ( ex-Japanese school) method for obtaining work visa's through which they hire out foreign ESL teachers to any school that does not have a license to employ real foreign ESL teachers. Running alongside their scams they are always looking to rent a small building and open any type of English school, basic furniture, dubious deals and unsuspecting Chinese children and adults are also unknowing and paying victims.

The nearest Edison Ye came to being legal was when he was using a franchise named school but even this was simply a front and fake.

The aim here is not to argue about how honest, dishonest Edison Ye, Linda Chai are? this is already established as facts and goes back right to 2000 up till the present 2013 but to keep periodically flagging up warnings to ESL teachers to avoid being entrapped by these dishonest characters.

This is our duty to those ESL teachers which share our profession and desire to teach overseas. It is our duty to copy in this website to government offices in China in the hope that they will actually finally investigate him and those that support his criminality. Simply copying the web site address and sending it to multiple government offices for law, tax, school licensing and telling them to at least read and investigate. After all, they may well not care that he is presenting a bad image of China but he is also not paying tax to "them", this alone should prompt them to investigate him, unless they are simply happy enough with his bribe money? His actions and those of Linda Chai are also ripping of Chinese citizens, children and adults who are tricked into believing they are paying for a genuine English language education.

Every few months I will return to this website, comment and then copy in Chinese government and police offices and urge them to investigate him, I will keep doing this till he is eventually arrested along with his cronies. For those misguided enough to blog and lie on his behalf, I hope the Chinese system will eventually also investigate them.

This is our only choice, keep warning new ESL teachers heading for Songjiang or Shanghai to avoid him and keep reporting him till eventually he is investigated.
He is still very active in the ESL industry and is similar to a disease, even targetting university students in Songjiang, tainting this educational industry with deception and dishonesty, damaging the reputation of China.

Report him often enough and even a corrupt system will eventually have to investigate him.

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