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#1 Parent Collyhurst retired sewer worker - 2013-06-10
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

the heat in Guangdong gets to the heights that are beyond human comprehension, and yet, none of the classrooms have air-con, and many of the fans are broken in the classrooms

Bad management. Even though guangdong is not quite a true tropical climate, it comes pretty damn close. It was steamy and sweaty in Shenzhen just this past week ago, lord knows what july gets like without A/C:(:(

#2 Parent anon - 2013-06-09
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

still here... living... teaching... still same tiny "laundry/office" room at the last bus stop of Gaoming... with a toilet on the balcony... air con is broken, so is one of the fans in this room... the fans are screwed into the ceiling, so I have no idea how to reach them, or fix them... Any sort of "housing"/ "building"-related troubles -- whatever the matter is, even when the pipes burst inside the walls of a brand-new building -- that gets blamed on me... so I stopped asking the administration for help... in order not to be blamed for the break-downs inside their own building or equipment...

... the heat in Guangdong gets to the heights that are beyond human comprehension, and yet, none of the classrooms have air-con, and many of the fans are broken in the classrooms... students can't study due to the heat, yet, the school is in session till the middle of July...

Administration has gotten progressively worse -- as to the payments of my salary, at least by a month-long delay, every month... they told me that at the end of this month, I should be able to collect 2-months-worth of salary... Also, the ref letters that I've asked for, in order to have a supposedly secure contract/job around these parts in the future... hmmm... They will hand these papers to me, on my last day here... So... any contract that I would have found, and got hired for, would be lost, due to this administration "passive aggressive" behavior...

Again... caught a lucky break, I do not need this administration for anything -- at least for next year, or the near future... Hopefully, won't need them ever again, during my life-time... just bidding my time, and patiently packing my suit-case... Got accepted into grad school in the U.S., and going back to get my MA... Hopefully, other EFL teachers will pay close attention to my description of this polytechnic, and will not sign any contracts with them in the future... Thanks to the advice of other teachers on this board, I was able to live thru this year... Thank you for your support.

#3 Parent ASTF - 2013-01-16
Re: Guangdong Institute (THANK YOU)

Apologies if you felt a little insulted about the b!tching and moaning comment. It wasn't aimed specifically at you, besides which I don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing to have a good b!tch and moan when things aren't going your way, some people pay large sums of money to do this and we call it therapy!

Good luck for the future and I hope you can find a resolution to your situation soon.

#4 Parent anon - 2013-01-16
Re: Guangdong Institute (THANK YOU)

Dear All:

Thank you for your kind advice and suggestions. One advice came in really handy -- about SAFEA complaints -- that at the end of the day, the school will pull something "fast & dirty", and I would be left without a paycheck within a week. I understand that this advice comes from your experience of living in this country, and I am very, very thankful for your input.

It's not exactly clear to me why people would need confirmation and pictures of the "laundry/office" room that I've been living in for the last two months, and the fact that my contract here is for 9 months, and that I would continue living here, in the same "laundry/office" room if I stay for the rest of the contract. I am not b!tching and moaning -- for the last two months I had no place to re-charge, and have been renting hotel rooms in business hotels on week-ends, in order to escape this situation... Usually, at least with the last 3 contracts that I had in China, I had a normal apartment to come back to, with all the facilities, such as toilet & shower located on the inside of the flat, heat working in the dead of winter, and having black leather couches and arm-chairs in my living room. I believed (wrongly) that those black leather furnishings were "standard issue" for foreign experts in China. This time, I do not...

On the issue of "due dilligence" -- I should have asked for pictures of the flat before signing the contract. Last year, before leaving China for the U.S., I did not sign a contract here, again, believing that I would not come back... I've read at least 300 contracts that were even worse than this one, and finally picked this one -- because of it's great salary... Guilty... Guilty... Guilty... After looking for work for about 3 months back in CT, I took this contract, while not wanting to wait on tables with all of my university degrees and certificates... Maybe god is punishing me, for looking down my nose at honest day's work -- busting tables, etc would be an idea with today's economy in the U.S., and I'd be lucky to get that type of job, if I applied... since I don't have any experience of doing it...

Anyways, I am not independently rich, so running away from this contract would mean that I'd be closing a door -- teaching for gov't schools in China, that provides me with an otherwise comfortable life-style where I am able to buy my own food, medical care and travel. I do not wish to burn my bridges in such a way. I should have realized that schools do a lot of bait & switch b/c you are signing the contract away from the location, and have little idea about the environment, distances & where the school is located. Again, mind over matter, I believe that my review posted before is correct. This school shows it's Foshan location if you wish to visit, and then brings you to Gaoming... again, the campus is hours away from where Foshan is. The school also advertises a free apartment, with kitchen and furnishings, and believe me, you would of seen this tiny, empty room, filed with broken furniture, here in Gaoming, if I knew how to "size" pictures that I take with my camera.

As for getting a girl-friend here -- that was some of the advice from the male teachers, hmmm... I wish.... I am a woman... 33 years old... not a lesbian, so getting a snotty 18-yr-old-boy-friend here, with his Korea-boy-hair, basketball and "bowser"-filled head, would not be my style... but again, guys, thank you for your warmth, understanding and support. I am truly grateful for your ideas, and experience.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-14
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

Yes, the little things do add up. He should post a pic on the board just so the newbies who are thinking about coming to China can have a more cautious approach. Never think that you cannot ask enough questions. I think this is also the same school that screwed over my friend's visa back in 2009, I posted a negative review on this board about it. I was told the school actually misspelled Polytechnic as "Pyrotechnic" on it's front sign.

#6 Parent foxy - 2013-01-14
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

Any half decent school shouldn't have a problem with you asking to have a gander at where you'll be living and working.

Exactly. Applying due diligence is always the best policy.

#7 Parent ASTF - 2013-01-14
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

Could be and sometimes all people want and need is a chance to b!tch and moan about their situation.
From my own experience I've always been careful to visit the unversity prior to signing a contract. Any half decent school shouldn't have a problem with you asking to have a gander at where you'll be living and working.

#8 Parent foxy - 2013-01-14
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

Another aspect worthy of consideration is the accommodation offered and accepted by said FT's western colleagues. Is it basically the same? Said FT hasn't mentioned that. I reckon if he's the only one complaining, the Chinese will be against him, that is, if they're all housed in that kind of accommodation.
I'm rather surprised that the FT doesn't mention that. I think it's relevant. Just thinking he could be a nitpicker trying to seek attention on here, but not seriously concerned by the accommodation he's in.

#9 Parent ASTF - 2013-01-14
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

I guess the main problem here is the difference in expectation and the reality of the situation the FT was put in. The OP suggests that what he was told about the facilities prior to arrival and what he now finds himself living in are different. If the university had told him there is a toilet but its outside on your balcony then he could have made an informed decision as to whether that was something he could live with.
We all have days when those annoying little things that china frequently throws up at you get a bit too much. Having an apartment or space to yourself which you find comfortable and safe and that allows you to recharge a bit is in my opinion essential.

#10 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-14
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

Interesting picture at the end of that link-looked very much like New York. New York gets poluted like that. London used to years ago.

#11 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-13
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

I can't believe your toilet is located OUTSIDE ON YOUR BALCONY!!!!

But I CAN believe it, due to experience. In Sichuan counties that is common in older apartments. At least, the rooms aren't smelly despite the hot, humid summer weather there. By contrast, more modern Chinese apartments usually have their WCs constructed without windows. So, we have no way to clear the air if there is no air conditioner/extractor fan in the WC.
I believe air pollution in Beijing right now is very serious due to recent weather conditions there. It seems that's much worse a problem than a temporary bad smell that you couldn't bear

I agree with you, I have lived on 25th floor of a modern skyscraper in China, and the toilet had no window or ventillation. I would much prefer a toilet on a balcony; in fact, if it were a big enough balcony I wouldn't mind my lounge on a balcony-apart from noise that is. Well said Foxy.

#12 Parent Janice - 2013-01-13
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)
#13 Parent foxy - 2013-01-13
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

I can't believe your toilet is located OUTSIDE ON YOUR BALCONY!!!!

But I CAN believe it, due to experience. In Sichuan counties that is common in older apartments. At least, the rooms aren't smelly despite the hot, humid summer weather there. By contrast, more modern Chinese apartments usually have their WCs constructed without windows. So, we have no way to clear the air if there is no air conditioner/extractor fan in the WC.
I believe air pollution in Beijing right now is very serious due to recent weather conditions there. It seems that's much worse a problem than a temporary bad smell that you couldn't bear!

#14 Parent Turino - 2013-01-13
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

In a county of Luzhou, Sichuan province. My apartment's WC was on the balcony -;read=62075

#15 Parent Sally - 2013-01-13
Re: Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

OMG Anon! That is so horrible! I can't believe your toilet is located OUTSIDE ON YOUR BALCONY!!!!
Seriously, I would not live there! I would do a runner if I had the money to do so.
This just goes to show how much your school cares and respects their guest teachers!
I was offered a position there a while ago but turned it down due to all the nasty reviews.
It's such a shame you got stuck in this situation.

anon - 2013-01-12
Guangdong Institute of Textile Tech (Guangdong Polytechnic)

Guangdong Polytechnic provides to it's EFL Teacher for housing:
1 ROOM Filled with old school furniture in Gaoming
TWO hours away from Foshan & GZ (take two buses, one hour each), not in Foshan as their EFL ads promise
A WAIT for Buses on Week-ends for 3 hours
No Closet, a rolling rack to situate your belongings and the rolling rack is broken
Toilet & Shower on the balcony, hot water available after 4 pm, only in the shower,
with winds blowing thru
NO APARTMENT, as it was promised in their ads
NO KITCHEN, as it was promised in their ads
I am the only foreign teacher living like this, specifically on this campus
Dear EFL teachers, please post your replies -- what would you do if you were me?
Thank you

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