Return to Index › Re: Look what can happen if you don't use a recruiter-Oh My God!
#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-22
Re: Look what can happen if you don't use a recruiter-Oh My God!

Je connais les homme

May I correct your French writing a bit?

Je connais les hommes

I think it's just a typo because the other things are correct.

Grammar Nazi, that I am...LOL

Oh dear- it's just as well I don't mind making a fool of myself sometimes. Thanks for the correction. Just a sec, I'll have a gander at the Internet..........

Les citations de Pierre

Dieu mort démocratie Sexe réquisitoires cancer Juifs intégrisme inventeur enfants jeunesse Hitler colère
Choix d'une seule citation

Plus je connais les hommes, plus j’aime mon chien. Plus je connais les femmes, moins j’aime ma chienne.
Textes de scène / Éditions du Seuil / / Mots-clés : femme

Well..I spose the addition of 'the more I" makes it better, but of course there would have to be a follow up- but can't it stand on it's own? The above is quite funny I spose but I fin these references to dogs and that being the only beings you can trust as a bit self- indulgent and don't like it-en fin pour moi. However, I acknowledge that you know more French than I do-so thanks.
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