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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-02
Re: Circular Logic Explained

Circular Logic is what you do all the time on here. First, you disagree with others. Then, when you are given reasons on why others disagree with you; you take those reasons as evidence of why you would disagree with them in the first place. From this you draw the conclusion that you must always be the one who is right, and that others shouldn't start to disagree with you in the first place which makes them always wrong. Wasting people's time when you don't have any real reasons to back up what you say. Also, no substance whatsoever to the points that you bring out. Even this post I am responding to which is a response to an earlier post I had made is full of the circular logic that you typically use.

I see- thank you.

At least I am productive in squeezing some good posts out of you- Right?

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-02
Re: Circular Logic Explained

Circular Logic is what you do all the time on here. First, you disagree with others. Then, when you are given reasons on why others disagree with you; you take those reasons as evidence of why you would disagree with them in the first place. From this you draw the conclusion that you must always be the one who is right, and that others shouldn't start to disagree with you in the first place which makes them always wrong. Wasting people's time when you don't have any real reasons to back up what you say. Also, no substance whatsoever to the points that you bring out. Even this post I am responding to which is a response to an earlier post I had made is full of the circular logic that you typically use.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-01
Re: Don't waste other people's time

If you actually say that you cannot get the contact info for half a dozen ft's then don't say something like Telephone and e-mail is far from useless. if you speak with half a dozen FT's, they probably won't all be lackeys for the bosses. You are using circular logic to give other readers the runaround. [edited]

What is circular logic- sounds like some sort of oxymoron? Look here, Dragonized, if you are checking out a school you should speak to as many of their FT's as you can. I don't know how you read into that as giving others the run-around.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-30
Don't waste other people's time

If you actually say that you cannot get the contact info for half a dozen ft's then don't say something like Telephone and e-mail is far from useless. if you speak with half a dozen FT's, they probably won't all be lackeys for the bosses. You are using circular logic to give other readers the runaround. [edited]

#5 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-29
Re: China


..and how will you be able to obtain the contact info for half a dozen former FT's from a place you are trying to do research on? Normally, you'd be lucky to get the emails of a couple of former ft's who have worked there.

Yes you are dead right; most will be reluctant to even give you one e-mail; but we don't want to work for most schools do we; so after we have made no bones about it that it's a deal-breaker if they won't even give you e-mail contacts; if they still don't, you move on. The object of the exercise is, is to find a bit of a rarity I agree. E-mail addresses will do-you can ask FT's for phone numbers. You also must give good schools a little time(a day) to ask FT's for permission to hand out their contact details. No No, the recruiter only does some of the work and the rest you must do yourself...or risk...

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-28
Re: China

Telephone and e-mail is far from useless. if you speak with half a dozen FT's, they probably won't all be lackeys for the bosses.

...and how will you be able to obtain the contact info for half a dozen former FT's from a place you are trying to do research on? Normally, you'd be lucky to get the emails of a couple of former ft's who have worked there.

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-28
Re: China

The only way to know if a school is good or not is to go and visit it, have a good look around, ask some possibly uncomfortable questions if need be.

Telephone and e-mail is useless, you will just be told what they want you to hear.

Remember, never trust a Chinese!

If one can afford to do that at least you won't have to worry about whether they actually pay you or not, haha. You might ,however need to spend the weekend hanging around, so you get to see FT's flats and so forth, which may be miles away from the campus.

Telephone and e-mail is far from useless. if you speak with half a dozen FT's, they probably won't all be lackeys for the bosses.

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