Return to Index › OWEN BUCKLAND - Scam Artist
Scammed Teacher - 2004-12-10

I'd like to fully support the views expressed elsewhere in this forum by Davey Kidd. I too had the misfortune to encounter Buckland and hs 'professional services'. An accomplished liar and bullsh##ter, he dumped me far away in central China and never sorted out the many problems I had with the school I was sent to. This guy is a fast-talking con-artist who preys on trusting foreign tachers but his days are numbered. Word on the foreign-teacher grapevine is that his reputation is fast sinking and that no-one wants to deal with him anymore.

This guy gets 20,000RMB or so for every 'body' he can deliver to a school. Once he's got his dough, he disappears and wants nothing more to with either the teacher or the school. Aside from anything else, what can you say about a Chinese man who calls himself 'Owen Buckland'? If you lie about your name to con people, what else will you lie about? Go figure.

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