Return to Index › Da Yang English Training Centre in Jingdezhen - ESL school review
#1 Parent KJ - 2006-11-25
Re: Da Yang English Training Centre in Jingdezhen - ESL school review

Yes, avoid Da Yang and Litta at all costs. I've posted here in that regard before, so it would be wise, as in all situations to check the archives.
Litta is the most dishonest person I've met in China. Be very careful; you may be taken in by her well affected "sweetness" on the telephone and in emails. However, if you choose to accept the position, you will find that "the truth is in the pudding."
Jingdezhen itself is a waste of time. Yeah, it has some historical signifigance in terms of ceramics but that's about it, and if you'd like an enjoyable "China experience," there are many, many other places that are far more worth your time and effort.
Da Yang is not legally licensed to employ foreigners. Jingdezhen is a bust. Litta is dishonest and too clever for her own good. Need I say more?

John - 2006-11-23
Da Yang English Training Centre in Jingdezhen - ESL school review

This "school" is advertising for teaching staff right now (November 21st) in this website.

Be very careful of this outfit for they are not honest and neither is the lady who signs the advertisement - Ms Litta

I was offered a job by them earlier this year but when I saw their contract and started asking questions, I discovered many things that all pointed in one direction. Bullshit and Lies. After some pertinent inquiries Da Yang ran away from further discussion, because they had been 'found out'

If you are in contact with them ask them to very clearly confirm the following:

1) That they are a duly registered school
2) That they are authorised to directly employ foreign experts.
3) Ask for copies of their registration documents in respect of both 1 and 2
4) Ask for a draft of their proposed form of employment contract to be e-mailed to you.
5) Be very careful to establish the basic terms such as the method and dates of salary payments. Working hours per day and most important, the working days each week. Find out what holidays you will be entitled to and whether these holidays are with pay or not.
6) Ask for details of the accommodation they will provide you with - in particular its proximity to their school.
7) Ask for an inventory of the main furnishings and equipment they will put into the apartment for you.
8) Ask them to send you pictures of their school and the apartment - inside and out
9) Ask for pictures of the wonderful amenities they boast about - and that your use of them is free of charge to you.
10) Ask for confirmation that Ms Litta herself is the legally registered owner of the school or whether it is her father or other senior relative.
11) Six months ago (thereabouts) Da Yang advertised on two separate occasions. The first of those occasions revealed advertisements on several ESL sites all of which offered different salaries and different terms. On the second occasion they omitted to mention their name and attempted to conceal Ms Litta's name too. They have also popped up on I think two occasions between then and now. For such a small school, they sure have a high staff turnover.
12) When I first posted a warning in this Review Board, several people responded on the board and privately, with their experiences of similar negotiations with Da Yang or of actually going to work for Da Yang and in one case how the police and FAD were involved and came close to arresting the teacher for being illegal.
13) Earlier this year the salary on offer varied between 5,000 and 6,000 per month "depending on experience" So ask them why the substantially lower salary now - some six months later?

Applicants for their job of course may please themselves what they do after reading this warning - but Da Yang and Ms Litta are well known charlatans who you would be advised to avoid like the plague.


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