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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-10-10
Re: Some facts about Woodenleg Willie

Not that we actually need to replace him, but we can easily obtain better 'forum pet retards' from elsewhere anyway. They just tend to come here of their own accord.

I think the poster whom you responded to possibly fits this description.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-09
Re: Some facts about Woodenleg Willie

iam a in Thailand teaching so hope it ok for me to post on a Chinese forum. before this I have only been a reader. From that I know one thing Willie Woodbine makes smashing reading, he is articulate, knows his English and is funny funny funny so why would any forum not want him back, seems crazy to me. Just my opinion just saying? I miss him.

Many a time, Wooden willy has shown us otherwise. What we are really interested in, is his content. Which tends to lack in quality.

He usually talks nonsense and sometime nonce-sense and therefore is only funny in that sick and twisted awkward sense, just like that of when you laugh at somebody with mental disabilities competing in the special Olympics. You indeed might laugh out loudly at first, but then you start to feel guilty and suddenly realise that you aren't supposed to laugh because you are actually somehow supposed to feel sympathetic towards him and make special allowances for his rather strange behaviour.

However Wooden Willy can be such an irritating kahunt, that you can often no longer be bothered to make an attempt to understand and tolerate him. In the end you will often come to that horrid conclusion that deep down, you just know that you would actually rather that he f**ked off for good and never came back. Not that we actually need to replace him, but we can easily obtain better 'forum pet retards' from elsewhere anyway. They just tend to come here of their own accord.

#3 Parent stompy - 2013-10-09
Re: Some facts about Woodenleg Willie

iam a in Thailand teaching so hope it ok for me to post on a Chinese forum. before this I have only been a reader. From that I know one thing Willie Woodbine makes smashing reading, he is articulate, knows his English and is funny funny funny so why would any forum not want him back, seems crazy to me. Just my opinion just saying? I miss him.

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