Return to Index › Re: Some facts about Woodenleg Willie
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-10
Re: Woodbine Willie for president.

Actually most of us do tend to fit in.What we know about corrupt Chinese businesses, we often learn from our Chinese friends who despise it just as much as we do.
They just tend to have more to lose than us and daren't speak out against it.

#2 Parent stompy - 2013-10-10
Woodbine Willie for president.

I think he's right, we all need bringing down to earth, by a skilled and humorous person such as Woodbine Willie and the other characters that rightly or wrongly seem to be associated with him/her. I agree with his message largely you should try and fit in with these Asians. Thai people can be difficult but it is their country. By the way the ageism i didn't like but I am 29.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-10-10
Re: Some facts about Woodenleg Willie

Everyone needs their feathers ruffled now and again, lol

So go ask him to "ruffle" your feathers then. Sounds like an older poster again, Foxy maybe?

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