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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-22
Re: Lucky International English Center

And... Willy McSpastic still hasn't worked out the meaning out the nickname yet.

#2 Parent Willies Kamerad - 2013-10-21
Re: Lucky International English Center

Wrong again, Irishman, guinness must be getting expensive again eh?

Again, the story is on youtube, I'll refrain from the link, but it is all clearly online, by his own admission.

Seems it is getting to be GW accusing season again, lol

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-21
Re: Lucky International English Center

I don't know, I heard from one american who arrived in China with 19 US dollars in his pocket, and his training centre employer had to pay his flight over. This same fat lazy good for nothing bum now berates China, even after it fed him, put a roof over his head, gave him a nice young chinese girlfriend (no women in his own country will look twice at him or touch him with a long bargepole), and yet he still whines and whinges. He is now back homeless and in the US, still with an axe to grind. Sharing an apartment for some, while not ideal, is better than beating the cold streets and looking in bins for food and wearing donated clothes.

Hmmm... Chinese people writing stories again! China didn't do anything for him personally, a company hired him. What you wrote sounds like nationalist crap to me! The same good for nothing kind of Chinese people that seem to see any kind of wrong doing by a foreign individual as an attack on their country!

We all know that nationalists are weak individuals who for their own security, seek something larger to belong to; such as collective identification with the nation that they feel that they belong to. We all know what these kind of people they tend to be in own countries. Badly educated, racist and tied down to outdated beliefs.

Then again, some Chinese people that I know, would probably be offended by what you wrote. Their country does not wish to give out visas to undeserving foreigners, far from it. It may hurt their feeling to hear somebody accusing their country of directly hiring such a person, rather than the stupid company that applied to the country's government for the required paperwork and deceived them (the government).

#4 Parent stompy - 2013-10-20
Re: Lucky International English Center

I don't know anything about ASTON but it does sound like a place to avoid. I wasn't saying that bad private schools don't exist. By the way I am not using any alias, everybody including friends and family call me Stompy.

#5 Parent stompy - 2013-10-20
Re: Lucky International English Center

I see we both admire the same poster. You are totally right about some ungrateful people who come to China because no other country will have them, then they stab it in the back.

#6 Parent Willies Kamerad - 2013-10-19
Re: Lucky International English Center

I don't know, I heard from one american who arrived in China with 19 US dollars in his pocket, and his training centre employer had to pay his flight over. This same fat lazy good for nothing bum now berates China, even after it fed him, put a roof over his head, gave him a nice young chinese girlfriend (no women in his own country will look twice at him or touch him with a long bargepole), and yet he still whines and whinges. He is now back homeless and in the US, still with an axe to grind. Sharing an apartment for some, while not ideal, is better than beating the cold streets and looking in bins for food and wearing donated clothes.

#7 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-10-15
Re: Lucky International English Center

So you judge a school solely by its interior? Hmmm... Doesn’t sound like care about education really.

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2013-10-15
Re: Lucky International English Center

Oh yes...the "superior" living conditions that any Aston chain branch will give to you by making you share an 60ft apartment with at least one other teacher. The "superior" business practices of a Global IELTS deducting the monthly apartment rent from your salary while you're making 6000rmb per month, what does that leave you? The "superior" ways WEB copies your teaching methods in your demo classes and not hire you. The "superior" advertising of pictures of teachers who have long quit at places like English First, Hampson, and other places.

You really are counting on newbies to look at your post and get duped in, don't ya? Better yet you'll post under another alias when one of these newbies comes on the forum to expose your crappy business practices so you can tell them how stupid they were to sign up in the first place and how they need to "toughen up". Just another day of trying to play the Devil with the left hand and right. Delightfully sadistic for you, eh?

#9 Parent stompy - 2013-10-15
Re: Lucky International English Center

Sounds like you have just had bad luck with the training centres you have worked in China, they are normally superior to state schools by a long way. as long as you are from an English speaking country it's training centres every time in China. They are cleaner and basically show you more respect with a few exceptions. This is my opinion. Those teachers from Korea or Russia or with low educational qualifications, state schools are maybe the best option. I do know a couple of good universities in China but all too often they are filthy places.

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