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#1 Parent stompy - 2013-10-21
Re: Lucky International English Center

I don't know about training centres and generally speaking I should imagine you are right, but there's always the exception if they trust and know you. I am in Thailand. I am not a recruiter but recently I helped out an American. I found him a job in a Chinese university. Before the American had landed in China virtually the Chinese paid for the air fare from Bangkok, paid for a hard seat on a train, paid for the degree i had to purchase for him in Bangkok as the American was skint, and paid for my petrol expenses to drive the American from Lampang to Bangkok. I should say that I made no profit out of my good works. Personally have no need to work in China, I don't have to, but I have found the Chinese very reliable, if you give them cause to be.

#2 Parent Surikananda - 2013-10-21
Re: Lucky International English Center

It is also unlikely a TC would pay upfront for an FT's airfare. Your post should really not be taken seriously.

This story is definitely made up. There is no training centre in China that pays up front for the airfare of an FT. Liesl lies, lies!

Willie Woodbine wangbadan is back....

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