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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-05
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

As you have no idea who I am, who I have worked with or for, or about any side projects that I get involved in; I will take whatever you say with a pinch of salt.

Regardless of this, when I teach, I do actually care about my students and actually intend to teach them. Even if your job is only for visa-obtaining purposes, it is still a job and there is a certain degree of professionalism that you must show, even if that only means never turning up late or putting in a slight bit of effort to plan a lesson. Even in a previous shitty TC job, I had sympathy for those students who confided in me that they felt that they were wasting their/their parents money to receive below-par lessons from poor quality teachers and shit service from the sales staff.

Too many teachers are rather irresponsible and will behave in a silly way, as Silverboy (I think?) mentioned, as foreigners, we are no longer really held in high esteem, but considered to be pests, thanks to the behavior of such dickheads. As much as I equally hate the billy-big-bollocks, 'from fresh college graduate to faux-professor' attitude of extreme seriousness/professionalism from some teachers, those who do not take things seriously at all and treat it as a one year holiday are just people that I detest and I am quite sure that local people do, especially those who paying shitty training centres to teach their children.

#2 Parent Even MORE Perfect English! (Can you believe that?) - 2013-11-04
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

Okay... I still have a few cigs left and went back to amuse myself in terms of the content that you guys are generating out of the goodness of your hearts and I must say... that WHY ARE WE USING OUR TIME TO INDULGE IN SUCH TOPICS? We're not making any money doing this and I'm not sure if it's making any difference at all.

But I think taking a stand is important.

Why not allow karma to get the best of them because someday it sure will.

I came over here as one of those english teachers... and the tide has changed for the course of my life.

Because I don't rely on that money.

Maybe get some other deal cemented where you don't have to be like the "average" working laowai and it's all good.

Might take some effort but man it will save an ASS LOAD of problems!

#3 Parent Superior Monkey - 2013-11-04
Warning - Shane English Wenzhou is total crap!!!

Hi John - I am sure you know full well that the objective of crappy Chinese training centres like Shane is to make money and not to educate. That is because they are not a decent school but a fake of a school and a crappy language mill. Another reason why they can't educate is that the people working for this crappy place and those who are running it are not educated at all. They are complete idiots and even don't know English. So, how can they really teach it? They can't because their English is terrible!!!!!

To all parents and other customers of Shane "English":

stay away from Shane, they offer no value for the money you pay, they are completely useless and are there to steal your money earned by hard and honest labour! They do not only cheat you, they also cheat and deceive foreign teachers, so they don't stay long because they don't want to work for this shitty Shane English business any longer.

They are completely useless and should be closed down forever by the authorities as soon as possible. As long as they are around they will fill the air with their odour of pestilence that they spread!.........UUUuaaaaaaaaaaaqaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, the staff at this training centre/'school' openly admit that their only goal is to attract more students in order to make money.
The main objective of a school should not be to make money, but to educate people!
#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-04
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

I‘m a staff in Shane school ,in fact the school's students are nice ,the staff are sweet and helpful .I think you are so negative ,all of you said are not school's fault , so I can't agree with your opinions.Teachers should try their best to teach and attract more students ,it will be good to our school and foreign teachers also benefit from it ,you can have high salary, because you have more students to teach!

Wow, the staff at this training centre/'school' openly admit that their only goal is to attract more students in order to make money.

The main objective of a school should not be to make money, but to educate people!

#5 Parent Sue - 2013-11-04
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

I‘m a staff in Shane school ,in fact the school's students are nice ,the staff are sweet and helpful .I think you are so negative ,all of you said are not school's fault , so I can't agree with your opinions.Teachers should try their best to teach and attract more students ,it will be good to our school and foreign teachers also benefit from it ,you can have high salary, because you have more students to teach!

#6 Parent Sue - 2013-11-04
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

I hope all the foreign teachers can not only according to the article to think of our school。Every coin has two sides ,we should have a comprehensive understanding of a thing !

#7 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-03
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

I am not very clear about the Shane English school in Wenzhou, but I well known it in aojiang. And it is the same boss. I am a TA. I can't agree with you

First about the bonus, if you are a real nice teacher, and your students will not leave, and they will introduce more students. It is not an aim you can’t achieve. Just need time. For other two teachers ,they want to have a break together at the seme time about two weeks, it means 56 classes have no teacher to teach. The students’s parents will complain and it is also such a big lost for school. If you are the boss, I think you will also not agree.. School have their system, the staff also need to consider about school’s benefits. Wenzhou Shane English School has a long history. I am a TA and work for this school more than three years. I like this school and I think the boss consider about their staff just need more communication with their staff.

So you are admitting that you are obviously more of a business than an educational institution?

There is a big difference between a 'nice' teacher and a 'good' teacher, although one can simultaneously be both. What I can tell you is, some of my better teachers from my school days (not 'favourite' teachers), were actually evil bastards!

Real schools have holidays that are taken at the same time by everybody. Obviously a training centre would hate the idea of colleagues forming stronger interpersonal relationships by partying or travelling together at the same time, as their solidarity as a team could leave the training centre management feeling quite vulnerable. Also, the sheer fact that you prioritise the demands of parents who probably know very little about education, rather than the well-being of the staff that teach your classes also indicates that your organisation prioritises the wrong issues.

Not a word was mentioned by you regarding attainment and academic success in any way, even a poor quality TC that I have previously worked at, took pride in some of its students getting good marks on the TOEFL or getting admitted into a good overseas university, rather than purely showing off the 'nice' teachers. Education is not always fun, just like real life.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-03
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

Let's hope your silly pretend "school" will go bankrupt soon!

Unfortunately, uneducated and ill-informed parents will probably continue to line their pockets.

#9 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-03
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

Just to say I recently finished my year contract at Shane English Pingyang and wanted to share my thoughts.

OK firstly the School Boss is a bit of a di** like most Chinese school owners. Not a complete clue what he is talking about. However I meet this guy twice maybe three times and not enough to ruin my time at the School. What Tom says about Staff and hours is spot on. Seems like you did not have such a good time and sorry to hear that.

But I enjoyed myself and recommend my peers to Shane English.


So, another foreign teacher that only considers English teaching to be a year long holiday. People with an attitude like yours encourage Chinese people to show no sympathy or concern to those teachers that do get screwed over.

#10 Parent Rubbish Talk - 2013-11-01
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

You are a TA, and I bet you don't know what a real, good school is. Yours at Shane Chinglish Wenzhou is definitely not. It is a crap pretend "school", you describe it yourself. Maybe it takes you another three to 100 years at this place of shit until you fully understand what crap place you are working for!
Let's hope your silly pretend "school" will go bankrupt soon!

School have their system, the staff also need to consider about school’s benefits. Wenzhou Shane English School has a long history. I am a TA and work for this school more than three years. I like this school and I think the boss consider about their staff just need more communication with their staff.
#11 Parent Joy - 2013-11-01
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

I am not very clear about the Shane English school in Wenzhou, but I well known it in aojiang. And it is the same boss. I am a TA. I can't agree with you

#12 Parent Joy - 2013-11-01
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

I am not very clear about the Shane English school in Wenzhou, but I well known it in aojiang. And it is the same boss. I am a TA. I can't agree with you

First about the bonus, if you are a real nice teacher, and your students will not leave, and they will introduce more students. It is not an aim you can’t achieve. Just need time. For other two teachers ,they want to have a break together at the seme time about two weeks, it means 56 classes have no teacher to teach. The students’s parents will complain and it is also such a big lost for school. If you are the boss, I think you will also not agree.. School have their system, the staff also need to consider about school’s benefits. Wenzhou Shane English School has a long history. I am a TA and work for this school more than three years. I like this school and I think the boss consider about their staff just need more communication with their staff.

#13 Parent Lisa - 2013-11-01
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

I have been working in Pingyang Shane English school for 1 year. As I know.the Chinese staff is very friend and the students are kind.the school is nice. I love to teach there. the job is easy and the pay is good . Pingyang is a town . the Chinese are kind .There are various of foods. the mountain is beautiful. I've made memories that I will keep with me forever.

#14 Parent Matthew Shand - 2013-06-22
Re: Shane English Wenzhou

Just to say I recently finished my year contract at Shane English Pingyang and wanted to share my thoughts.

OK firstly the School Boss is a bit of a di** like most Chinese school owners. Not a complete clue what he is talking about. However I meet this guy twice maybe three times and not enough to ruin my time at the School. What Tom says about Staff and hours is spot on. Seems like you did not have such a good time and sorry to hear that.

But I enjoyed myself and recommend my peers to Shane English.


Tom - 2012-05-08
Shane English Wenzhou

I am writing this to say why people should not work for Shane School in Wenzhou (Wenzhou city, Pingyang, Longgang and Aojiang where the main school is).

To be slightly positive, the work is easy, the pay is not bad, a lot of the staff are nice and good, it would be a great job.


The boss is the biggest moron you will come across. He doesn't have a clue. And this is me trying to be nice.

When I turned up my DoS didn't really care any more, he had had enough and wanted to go back to his home country. He was having to teach in Wenzhou city school and travel too much every day, so I got the Wenzhou job, I was on my own, a lack of support network was almost total, I had one lesson in the whole year observed.

However my main problem was the contract. A duel contract, in Chinese it said something quite different to in English. I had a clause that supposedly paid me for travelling, but I was told that no, in fact, in Chinese it says something different.
My contract was contradictory because the boss couldn't be bothered to get it properly translated, I was supposed to get get free accommodation, but in Chinese it said they would help me find accommodation. Living in Wenzhou city I had to pay 3, 4 times more for accommodation than other teachers yet got paid the same.
The contract allowed me certain bonuses that supposedly could be achieved if I met certain targets that were almost totally impossible to meet. Like I had to have a certain number of pupils, but I had a maximum of 8 pupils per lesson (as opposed to 12 for those in the sticks) and so I could never reach this.

Based around this two teachers at another school wanted to have one week of their contract break off together. They had a meeting with the boss who spend the whole time on QQ talking to his girlfriend before saying no, they couldn't, so the teachers are leaving.

I got through FOUR welfare officers in my year there and spend 1/3 of the time without one, two left after a very short time, one I didn't even know she was my welfare officer until after she left the job because no one told me that is what her job was.

Basically staff turn over is very, very high, they won't pay enough for the TAs or other staff, and they treat them like absolute dirt, but then again as the boss doesn't care less about the teachers either, it is not that much better.

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