Return to Index › Re: Kien Thuc Viet School (KTV), Bien Hoa Vietnam
#1 Parent Palmnut VN - 2013-11-12
Re: Kien Thuc Viet School (KTV), Bien Hoa Vietnam

I also worked for KTV several years ago. Needless to say, it also turned into a nightmare.

This was my first teaching job and the furthest I had ever travelled from my home country. The proprietor Comfort was more than willing to lay on the bull in the beginning, however, after only 3 months, it all went sour and he had yet another of his quarterly purges which included myself. He didn't even have the courtesy to call us and fire us, instead doing it via email. Even to this day, he still owes me a considerable amount of money which he did initially promise to pay me, later reneging on this promise with a rather convoluted, if somewhat, half baked excuse.

Although this was several years ago, this school is unfortunately, still operating. Its only real modus operandi is to get as many bums on seats as possible rather than engage in any real form of education. Thankfully though, it seems that its student numbers have somewhat dwindled over the years, no doubt because it is starting to get a bad reputation, not to mention the fact that they also seem to be finding it harder to hire native speakers.

I have had no other problem with any of the other schools I have taught for in Vietnam however, KTV in Bien Hoa is one I would most certainly recommend that you avoid like the plague.

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