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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-18
Re: Kevin Foreign Language School

treat their foreign teacher very well, from I know, some foreign teachers had been worked for this company more than 5 years.

Talk about slave labour, I bet you guys whipped those poor foreign dancing monkeys within an inch of their little lives... Or merely gave them far too many working hours.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-18
Re: Kevin Foreign Language School

Typical Argument Fallacy that losers who work for these types of "schools" will use. You did NOT discredit any of the information that the original poster had put out. Instead you give a one sided take that everything is in fact great without any substantial evidence to back anything you had said up. Of course you finish with an attack on the characters of ANY teachers who reviewed your "school" negatively.

Your idiotic counterattack only proves that this "kevin foreign language school" is a fake school and does not stand for anything educational, and you are a part of the problem!

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-18
Re: Kevin Foreign Language School

Someone who called the others are liars, actually he or she is the liar… Kevin Company is a very standard company, they did everything according to the law, and treat their foreign teacher very well, from I know, some foreign teachers had been worked for this company more than 5 years. So, if this company is not good, who can work so long time… you can imagine!!! About Helen, she is a very hard working person, if some teachers get some problem, she will do her best to help that one.

When you say someone is bad, think about yourself, are you a good teacher? Are you always making good preparation on your class? Are you always punctual?!!!

Your English isn't bad for a Chinese person, but there's still enough Chinglish in there to make you sound Chinese. Hope you wasn't pretending to be a foreigner there. I can imagine that other people on this board are about to become far less polite towards you though, sorry!

We can smell the positive PR campaign a mile away, these positive reviews are a bit like London buses, you don't see any for a while and then they all come at once. It's the same old pattern.

#4 Parent Peter - 2013-11-18
Re: Kevin Foreign Language School

Someone who called the others are liars, actually he or she is the liar… Kevin Company is a very standard company, they did everything according to the law, and treat their foreign teacher very well, from I know, some foreign teachers had been worked for this company more than 5 years. So, if this company is not good, who can work so long time… you can imagine!!! About Helen, she is a very hard working person, if some teachers get some problem, she will do her best to help that one.

When you say someone is bad, think about yourself, are you a good teacher? Are you always making good preparation on your class? Are you always punctual?!!!

#5 Parent Mark - 2013-03-26
Re: Kevin Foreign Language School

This company is just bullshit...liars,not organized,the always change ur schedule and they even ask u to work in the careful and stay away from this shitty company and that lady called Helen.. as she sounds very friendly until u land in here then u will get f***ed up!!!

TGrey - 2011-01-05
Kevin Foreign Language School

The good and bad about this school in Changchun, Jilin, China is this:

Good, they pay you on time unless it is a holiday and they can make an excuse to have you wait
-They have Teaching assistants
-In the beginning they will appear to go out of their way to make you comfortable
-They make promises that they will give you training, help you open a bank account and provide you an apartment.


-They have penalties for everything. Late to class penalties, late to a weekly meeting in which nothing important is talked about, penalties if your lesson plans are late by even an hour. Note: Your work schedule is given to you late Friday evening and you are expected to send all lesson plans for every class by noon on Saturday (say good bye to your friday night) All these fines are at least 100 yuan each time

-They say they provide training which amounts to having you sit and watch another teacher in one or two of their classes.

-They will say they can provide you Chinese lessons which then never appear even if asked about.

-your apartment will be basic at best without a washer, fridge, etc...

-If you ask them to provide anything they will have an excuse as to why they can't give it

-If there is a complaint from a school you will be told in front of all of your co-workers so as to embarrass you and then your job will be threatened which is a bluff and its intention is to scare you into some how being a better teacher

-There are TA's but they generally sit around the office and don't attend classes with teachers even when requested.

-The communication link between the teachers and the staff is very poor and teachers are often chastised for asking a TA for any help with any troubles.

-You will have to take the bus to all of your schools which can be all around the city. you can take a taxi also but you will have to pay out of your own pocket for all of it and no one will reimburse you. A TA will go with you one time to a new school and then you are expected to go yourself even if you just arrived in China and cannot speak or read Chinese.

-Outside of teaching if you need help with daily life you can expect it for the first month only after that if you want anything, open a bank account etc,,, they will suggest you have a friend help you (This is the only company i have seen do this, normally they are eager to help their teachers feel comfortable in a new country.)

-When you do finish your contract you will have trouble to get all the papers you need to leave, a tactic they use to try to get you to resign with their company assuming you will be afraid of getting kicked out of the country.

-At one time this was a good company, but some change in the management resulted in not caring anything at all about the teachers

In short, they are liars, the schools are decent, but you can find a much better company than this one that will actually care about you.

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