Return to Index › QualityEnglish/Peter Tang - ESL school review
#1 Parent nickey - 2006-12-23
Re: QualityEnglish/Peter Tang - ESL school review

It is absolutely true ! I also have bad experiences with the man , had a job interview and was treated very racial and rude, he didn't answer simple questions like : how many classes are there and what is the salary! I came to talk about a part-time job at his school but left after 10 minutes because I didn't want to work for him at all. A friend of mine from the UK worked for Peter Tang one month and only got paid one week, that was in October, now in December he is still waiting for his money!

Stay away from him!

Randy - 2005-12-06
QualityEnglish/Peter Tang - ESL school review

Avoid Quality English School in Guangzhou, the owner Peter Tang is known not to pay teachers. He will ask you to teach at 3 different school never givning you a fixed schedule from week to week. Terrible School!

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