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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-16
Re: Kevin education

Well put John. I have said myself on this forum that I do not drink, smoke, or party a lot. I even abstain from things like tea. Unfortunately, that has not stopped supposed "Christians" like the Willyless one of Manchester from slandering me just because I disagreed with them. There are plenty of perverted, corrupt, arrogant, racist, and flat out idiotic preacher types who go abroad and pretend to be compassionate towards groups which they see as inherently inferior. As for me and you the types of criticisms that we put out are based on assumptions of the Chinese still being human beings and are capable of changing for the better. That is why the critiques that come out from us sound so harsh, because we like to be honest. When someone is honest towards you about how they feel, shouldn't that be considered a good thing? For these holier than thou prudes they will always live to find others as being inferior due to their own inferior self and the dogmas that drive their low character.
It would not matter if you "compassionately" treated me like a child just because I have a different face or I am a different race. Your attitude would still make me want to punch you in the face. We should write a song about it because it rhymes haha!

That actually gives me an idea for my fun end of term lesson plan, if I can get the real work of everybody's speaking test done this week, lol. Probably/most certainly not about the same topic, but still... The problem is, I promised one student that I'd sing a Christmas song if they all did a good job, haha.

As for me, I am racist but I'd like think it's only towards people that I don't like. I'm even racist to other White British people. Especially White British people, lol.

Despite the fact that I detest stereotypical Chinese bosses or corrupt business practices, I do have love for Chinese people and I can honestly say that I have met good Chinese people as well as bad Chinese people. Although we are in the country to make use of skills that are lacking amongst their native population, I have also learned a lot from Chinese people too. I do not like it when foreigners arrive in the country falsely believing themselves to be a superior species of human being.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-12-16
Re: Kevin education

Well put John. I have said myself on this forum that I do not drink, smoke, or party a lot. I even abstain from things like tea. Unfortunately, that has not stopped supposed "Christians" like the Willyless one of Manchester from slandering me just because I disagreed with them. There are plenty of perverted, corrupt, arrogant, racist, and flat out idiotic preacher types who go abroad and pretend to be compassionate towards groups which they see as inherently inferior. As for me and you the types of criticisms that we put out are based on assumptions of the Chinese still being human beings and are capable of changing for the better. That is why the critiques that come out from us sound so harsh, because we like to be honest. When someone is honest towards you about how they feel, shouldn't that be considered a good thing? For these holier than thou prudes they will always live to find others as being inferior due to their own inferior self and the dogmas that drive their low character.

It would not matter if you "compassionately" treated me like a child just because I have a different face or I am a different race. Your attitude would still make me want to punch you in the face. We should write a song about it because it rhymes haha!

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-15
Re: Kevin education

Let's dispose of half of your rant. I'm a man and was Christened Carrol. I don't care what you think about gay marriage.

I don't care what the Chinese do. But I do know this, that the foreign teacher should remain aloof from undesirable Chinese activities and set a good example for the students under his tuition. it doesn't sound like you are doing a very good job to me. If you cease your 'heavy drinking?' you may be able to get the right end of the stick before you reply. And you will teach better.

I'm not actually homophobic, but I just love winding up those that believe themselves to be untouchable due to being part of a minority of some sort.

Basically, your judgement is of zero value to me. Not only have you never seen me teach, you are not my employer either. Besides, I have done far more in China, than simply teach! What about you? What's your greatest achievement in China, not getting arrested for getting your fingers stuck in the choir yet?

It is clear to see that you are one of those Western cunts with a high degree of self-entitlement. Are you too proud to partake in a wee little ganbei with your bosses or your friends? You probably don't have any friends in China, because you are completely unable to accept cultural differences and you falsely believe yourself to be better than everybody else.

You are only here to teach English, not to go on a crusade to save the world from sin. In fact, preachy behaviour like yours is kind of illegal in China, although you appear to be more of a recovering alcoholic preacher than a member of the Fiddy Kiddler God-Squad Church of Molestry of some bible-belt shit town. Those kind of preachers are quite annoying, possibly worse than the fempats. Luckily for you, you are likely to relapse at least once in the future, much to our entertainment.

By the way, the Chinese government appears to be on a bit of a mission to fight against the teaching of universal values, especially the unwanted Western influence that comes with it. Although some of what is taking place is a bit pathetic and paranoid, I must say that if it somehow keeps the self-righteous twats like you away from teaching in China, I'm all for it. I am quite looking forward to seeing dicks like you getting deported in the near future.

As for me, I'm not really able to have a proper night out at the moment because I am being a good responsible teacher, preparing the final exams for students and doing the marking, but on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I will be getting a little merry.

#4 Parent Carrol - 2013-12-15
Re: Kevin education

"Yeah, you shouldn't give alcohol to children. Morality crusaders usually have something to hide and I'm going to put it forth that you are most definitely a small bean regarder. You can also accuse me of being homophobic if you want, since your alias going to use a woman's name.

I do drink occasionally. I have even consumed a few beers with my (Chinese, not foreign!) boss before. Oh, isn't that so horrendous!

If you think that boozing is considered to be a bad thing in Chinese culture, you really need to wake up! For some, drinking is even a business skill. I tend to find that in other industries away from teaching, a baijiu fuelled dinner is quite a common occurrence, although the nouveau riche tend to like to down glasses of red wine these days. I've even drank ridiculous amounts with police officers and government officials at a wedding before, maybe if you want to get me banned from teaching, you can complain to them personally, haha.

Have you never been to a wedding before. Of course you haven't, it will at least another 10 years until your girlfriend is legally old enough to get married, won't it? They might have legalised gay marriage here by then, lol. "

Let's dispose of half of your rant. I'm a man and was Christened Carrol. I don't care what you think about gay marriage.

I don't care what the Chinese do. But I do know this, that the foreign teacher should remain aloof from undesirable Chinese activities and set a good example for the students under his tuition. it doesn't sound like you are doing a very good job to me. If you cease your 'heavy drinking?' you may be able to get the right end of the stick before you reply. And you will teach better.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-15
Re: Kevin education

Sounds like you had a skin-full when writing that reply. You are totally wrong of course. I've worked all over China, Hong Kong and the mainland, and I've long since grown fed up with the Loser Boozer FT's who give us all a bad name. My opinion is that they should be banned from teaching completely. Even if they don't drink on a teaching day, their abilities are severely impaired by the intake of various hideous alcoholic beverages. My girlfriend doesn't drink and I don't see why I should.

Yeah, you shouldn't give alcohol to children. Morality crusaders usually have something to hide and I'm going to put it forth that you are most definitely a small bean regarder. You can also accuse me of being homophobic if you want, since your alias going to use a woman's name.

I do drink occasionally. I have even consumed a few beers with my (Chinese, not foreign!) boss before. Oh, isn't that so horrendous!

If you think that boozing is considered to be a bad thing in Chinese culture, you really need to wake up! For some, drinking is even a business skill. I tend to find that in other industries away from teaching, a baijiu fuelled dinner is quite a common occurrence, although the nouveau riche tend to like to down glasses of red wine these days. I've even drank ridiculous amounts with police officers and government officials at a wedding before, maybe if you want to get me banned from teaching, you can complain to them personally, haha.

Have you never been to a wedding before. Of course you haven't, it will at least another 10 years until your girlfriend is legally old enough to get married, won't it? They might have legalised gay marriage here by then, lol.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2013-12-15
Re: Kevin education

My opinion is that they should be banned from teaching completely

How to implement such a plan, when even SHOCK HORROR, Chinese teachers also DRINK!

#7 Parent Carrol - 2013-12-14
Re: Kevin education

"Oh no, it's the 'beer is bad' brigade again. Get a life you pathetic fool."

Sounds like you had a skin-full when writing that reply. You are totally wrong of course. I've worked all over China, Hong Kong and the mainland, and I've long since grown fed up with the Loser Boozer FT's who give us all a bad name. My opinion is that they should be banned from teaching completely. Even if they don't drink on a teaching day, their abilities are severely impaired by the intake of various hideous alcoholic beverages. My girlfriend doesn't drink and I don't see why I should.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-14
Re: Kevin education

Obviously a pretender with a belly full of beer, too little to do, and a grudge against Kevin, has posted this rubbish. I'm pretty sure who it is as he's done this kind of thing before.
He thinks it's humorous, sitting haughty in his ivory tower, but few others will think so!

Oh no, it's the 'beer is bad' brigade again. Get a life you pathetic fool.

The fact that this 'foreign teacher' can not even spell the name of his own employer ('Gevin', lol) and then proceeds to continue in Chinglish, is definitely something worth laughing at.

Others indeed may not find it funny, but they will quickly be able to decide whether Kevin is a reputable employer or not. They certainly don't my idea of paradise Here it is again, for those that missed it:

Gevin education is excellent school, and we foreign teachers very happy here. No office hour, good salary and friendly management makes our life like in paradise. All teachers must co0me here to support this good school!
#9 Parent LMF - 2013-12-14
Re: Kevin education

Obviously a pretender with a belly full of beer, too little to do, and a grudge against Kevin, has posted this rubbish. I'm pretty sure who it is as he's done this kind of thing before.

He thinks it's humorous, sitting haughty in his ivory tower, but few others will think so!

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-13
Re: Kevin education

Gevin education is excellent school, and we foreign teachers very happy here. No office hour, good salary and friendly management makes our life like in paradise. All teachers must co0me here to support this good school!

Is this the biggest fail in fake positive review history?

#11 Parent Foreign Teacher - 2013-12-13
Re: Kevin education

Gevin education is excellent school, and we foreign teachers very happy here. No office hour, good salary and friendly management makes our life like in paradise. All teachers must co0me here to support this good school!

#12 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-30
Re: Kevin education

I have been worked in that school for two years, i have the right to say something. I want to say thank you kevin because when i came China i have nothing and they help me a lot! As a human, we must have a grateful heart even they have some shortcomings but who is perfect, can you tell me? God also has shortcoming why you don't complain with him?


I'm sure they 'worked' you until you couldn't even walk properly, you dirty little slag.

I'm an atheist, but if I could I would love to moan and complain about stuff with God over a pint (Due to my atheist beliefs, God probably taking the form of a mere mortal like a certain Mr. Coe, an idol of mine). But I wouldn't dare ever complain TO God, as I'm sure that he would give me a jolly good bitch-slapping and bring me back down to earth.

For crying out loud, haven't you fools worked it out, yet? Foreign teachers don't come to China, already fluent in Chinglish!
#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-30
Re: Kevin education

Yes, you're right! Those who regularly complain on this forum should turn over a new leaf and stop being so critical.
Judging by your words, I'm sure Kevin Education is a professional outfit that does the right thing in terms of how it treats its employees, and also that you are an honest employee who only wants to teach your students as best you can!
Thanks again for trying to redress the balance regarding Chinese employers. Well said!

Oh dear, yet another one who has been 'worked' by Kevin Education.

Good effort, Joyce, your grammar was far better that of Eileen, but...

1.) Joyce is a very old-fashioned name, nobody in the West really tends to use it these days. We all know exactly what kind of English names, Chinese people tend to use because we teach them all the time.

2.) 'As best you can', just does not sound right. 'As well as you can' or 'in the best way possible', would have been far more appropriate.

3.) Chinese employers can redress the balance by simply not being shit all the time. It has even been said that several people in the PSB themselves believe that the owners of training schools are the scum of the earth, hence they will often try to make it relatively tricky and inconvenient for them to successfully apply for visas for their teaching staff, in comparison to public schools and universities.

#14 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-30
Re: Kevin education

Are you "sure" that you aren't just another employee of some pretend "education" type of crap company trolling this board, looking for an opening? One employee troll to another employee troll.

I'm sure you and the Eileen are both contributing absolutely nothing useful!

#15 Parent Joyce - 2013-11-30
Re: Kevin education

Yes, you're right! Those who regularly complain on this forum should turn over a new leaf and stop being so critical.
Judging by your words, I'm sure Kevin Education is a professional outfit that does the right thing in terms of how it treats its employees, and also that you are an honest employee who only wants to teach your students as best you can!
Thanks again for trying to redress the balance regarding Chinese employers. Well said!

Eileen - 2013-11-29
Kevin education

I have been worked in that school for two years, i have the right to say something. I want to say thank you kevin because when i came China i have nothing and they help me a lot! As a human, we must have a grateful heart even they have some shortcomings but who is perfect, can you tell me? God also has shortcoming why you don't complain with him?

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