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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-04
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

Woodbine Willie is only the one you can call "dear boy" because you have the same amount of intelligence as he does. If you ever said that to me in person, you might find yourself staring up at the beautiful, blue sky of the great old US of A while I stare down at you admiring what my two closest associates (the left and the right) just did. Give your apologies to me if you are that much of a man.

When something does not work as well as it could, son we go ahead and improve the system. We do not devolve into a more barbaric state of running things (like what you would want). People like you never did anything for others, enjoy mediocrity and being a bust eternally.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-04
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

It's a crappy attempt to sound human by Woodenbinny the Willyless.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-04
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

He is a troll, and one who is poor at his wumao job. Even hardcore sinophiles like Joseph Needham would be turning in his grave if he saw how modern day chinese assosciated "laowai" with cowardly men without Willies.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-04
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

Of course, WW needs to put food on the table so he can have enough energy to pray to whatever Heathen Gods he chooses to believe. It wouldn't matter if he actually succeeded or not. He just needs to write something to show that he did his work.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-04
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

That is a pretty crappy attempt at trying to sound Scottish.

#6 Parent The Shifter - 2014-01-04
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

True, I must have had a few snifters when I wrote that post for the end of hogmanay, hic

Doing a good job you say? Well I see the chinese sleeping in their orifices and driving their nice new shiny audis aboot, so, no I don't feel guilty for kicking back and sipping a cup of the old java while letting the students learn some brit culture by watching Mr Bean. Can't get away with that tefling in the middle east though, your arse would be fed to the camels so fast you would nae know what hit ye!!! All good fun, lol

#7 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-04
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

Nothing wrong with faking it to making it as far as I can see.

By booting out all the ne'er do wells, who will China be left with? They need someone to sing and dance with the kids in the kindergartens, or show Mr Bean to the middle school students, no no, you got it all arse backwards, one should not be coming to china to work as a professional teacher, they should be going there for a better, easier life.

Are you gainfully employed in the creaking infrastructure and indebted end of the american dream to China, soon to be broken apart, USA, dear boy?

People like you are one of the many possible reasons that China struggles to attract truly professional teachers. People like you are responsible for Chinese people believing in the stereotypes that we were all previously homeless, long term unemployed, alcoholic, womanising wasters...

Sure, many of us do come here for an easier life and less working hours. However, when we do work, we should be expected to do a good job.

#8 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-01-03
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

What would be the purpose of such propaganda anyway? Even if it was a real life wumao that gets a 5 jiao coin for every comment at play (which I doubt), I dare say that the Chinese government would want to keep unqualified teachers away, not recruit them. Unless, he is trying to trap an unqualified or illegally residing teacher or two.

Then again, sociopaths like W.W are not well known for their understanding of logic.

#9 Parent The Shifter - 2014-01-03
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

Nothing wrong with faking it to making it as far as I can see.

By booting out all the ne'er do wells, who will China be left with? They need someone to sing and dance with the kids in the kindergartens, or show Mr Bean to the middle school students, no no, you got it all arse backwards, one should not be coming to china to work as a professional teacher, they should be going there for a better, easier life.

Are you gainfully employed in the creaking infrastructure and indebted end of the american dream to China, soon to be broken apart, USA, dear boy?

#10 Parent Dumper McFoodle - 2014-01-03
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

You suggested information regarding fake degrees, did you not?

No, I did not.

In regard to 'mate' and its usage by Australians and for that matter Brits as well. I assumed I was speaking to English first language blokes. You sound like you are that; you seem clear and concise. Have you seen any Australian and British films? Have you had no contact with these two nationalities? 'Mate' is friendly, friendly nor unfriendly, or unfriendly, according to context and or intonation. It does not mean I want to mate with you. There seems to be a jumping on people for no reason.

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-03
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

You suggested information regarding fake degrees, did you not? You may not have said, "Get fake degrees so you can teach in China!". But you certainly pointed the way. Typical propaganda play.

#12 Parent Dumper McFoodle - 2014-01-02
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, urgent warning!

I did not like Mr McFoodie's post, no, I don't think that someone who is jobless in the USA or UK should obtain fake paperwork stating they are professors and move to China.

I never did say that. Please copy and paste my words for us all to see. I will accept an apology, mate.

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