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#1 Parent San Migs - 2014-01-05
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

as men from backwards undeveloped countries believe that only gays use condoms.

A lot of nonsense comes from the catholic church...I'd also say china is pretty undeveloped, get out of the richer cities, there is shyte everywhere.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-05
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

And smart-arse Fiona, tells us what you know then? I'll bet twenty dollars you are a wumao/GW type. Another arrogant, [edited], [edited], loudmouth Western woman in Asia. Men in the USA, UK, or Australia would not even give you the time of day.
Also I'll bet you work at some crappy training school and you are in a "management" position, LOL, ROTFL, ROTFL! GUFFAW, GUFFAW! [edited] woman, I laugh in your face, HA HA HA HA!

There are quite a large amount of useless Western, mainly ugly fat white women in management positions in TCs indeed. Since Western and Chinese men wouldn't touch them with a bargepole, you will also notice that these kind of women regularly attend the kind of bars that are popular with the lowest level of third-world shit, the types of foreign men that only ever seem to come to China as students on scholarships (gotta get those votes for seats on the UN security council and natural resources!) or as businessmen on fake passports.

Then you get the sob stories as said boyfriend returns home, make a desperate request for a large amount of money to return to China/gf's own country, money is paid and then they are never heard from again. Or they get them pregnant and run off, as men from backwards undeveloped countries believe that only gays use condoms.

Such slags deserve what they get, lol. It is funny that with the shittier kind of Western women in China, it is they that have to be wary of gold-diggers from poorer countries, lol, whereas back in the west they'd probably play the role of gold-digger.

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