Return to Index › Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi
#1 Parent Dumper McFoodle - 2014-01-05
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

I have found it to be the case that those men who are continually on about sex are't getting any.

That said, I have found that women are completely different in that they only talk about sex when they're enjoying it, and necessarily getting it in the first place, of course! But if they're not getting sex, they avoid talking sex!

We have one poster here who moves around the earth like Superman sowing his seed inside grateful maids; and still has time to contribute four hours of posts a day. The remainder seem to hand their money over to a knocking shop. Surprise surprise, mate, they don't seem to have one stable girl between them.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-05
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

If you haven't worked for treville stop putting it down.
Exactly, my dear. However, I do think that the average board reader can not be fooled by the cleric prof's inflammatory posts about private language schools in China.
It would be much better if he minded his own business instead of offending private school operators, recruiters and agents in China.
Truth be told, he is one of those China haters who posts regularly; over the years, he's been to China on and off to teach, but his most recent visit turned out to be disastrous and short-lived.

Well, there's far more to ESL than China, and he decided of his own free will to go elsewhere.

The thing is, he can get pretty decent teaching jobs outside of China, where regulations are stricter and demands are higher. Can you? I seriously doubt it.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-05
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

Ive read these messages and turnoi you sound like youve got an opinion on everything from sex without condoms to running schools. You sound like a
smart-arse who thinks they know everything but actually know nothing. If you haven't worked for treville stop putting it down. You're just an argumentative [edited]. I strongly suggest you know far more about bought for sex than teaching.

Ah... the typical TC operator/Wumao tactic of trying to discredit their opponents.

But just reading your post shows you are either a little bit too retarded to teach, or you are just writing in Chinglish. Your failure to use the phrase 'I strongly suggest' in the correct context is very confusing indeed.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-05
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

I have found it to be the case that those men who are continually on about sex are't getting any.
That said, I have found that women are completely different in that they only talk about sex when they're enjoying it, and necessarily getting it in the first place, of course! But if they're not getting sex, they avoid talking sex!

I'd just say the most people who post on this forum are open and mature enough to talk about related issues without shying away from them.

One great thing about this forum is the relative amount of freedom, if one actually does play around with girls with sexy bodies that aren't really marriage material and bang hookers, they can be honest about it. Whereas, if you posted that on Dave's ESL, you might get attacked by the fempat brigade and the wumaos.

Dating and sex can be important parts of one's life that they do not feel comfortable talking about openly with everyone in a public environment. Hence, you often see it getting discussed more openly on the internet. Also, you can kind of be sure that there are people on this forum that have the relevant life experience to advise people appropriately.

Then again, we often have to face the darker issues, such as reports of pervy sirs banging their students and so on.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-05
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

Crikey, you're right, Fiona; that's why I'm not getting through to them. A few of them on the site are indeed preoccupied with sex. I am no psychologist, but do you think it is because they do have an opinion about everything, and women do not like know-it-all? In consequence they can't sustain long-term relationships with the opposite sex. What do you think?

I think that is an internet forum, where opinions get posted. In the old days, it would probably just be a few pints down the pub or a coffee in a café, but either way: men like to let off steam, when away from their women, lol. The internet just takes things a bit more international and allows people with things in common to chat together, as opposed to being limited to colleagues and those in the local area.

Not wanting to see opinions posted on an internet forum... Whatever next?

#6 Parent Dianne - 2014-01-04
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

If you haven't worked for treville stop putting it down.

Exactly, my dear. However, I do think that the average board reader can not be fooled by the cleric prof's inflammatory posts about private language schools in China.
It would be much better if he minded his own business instead of offending private school operators, recruiters and agents in China.
Truth be told, he is one of those China haters who posts regularly; over the years, he's been to China on and off to teach, but his most recent visit turned out to be disastrous and short-lived.

#7 Parent Gordon - 2014-01-04
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

I have found it to be the case that those men who are continually on about sex are't getting any.

That said, I have found that women are completely different in that they only talk about sex when they're enjoying it, and necessarily getting it in the first place, of course! But if they're not getting sex, they avoid talking sex!

#8 Parent Dumper McFoodle - 2014-01-04
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

Crikey, you're right, Fiona; that's why I'm not getting through to them. A few of them on the site are indeed preoccupied with sex. I am no psychologist, but do you think it is because they do have an opinion about everything, and women do not like know-it-all? In consequence they can't sustain long-term relationships with the opposite sex. What do you think?

#9 Parent Fiona Bell - 2014-01-04
Re: Treville Foreign Language School scam - Guilin, Guangxi

Ive read these messages and turnoi you sound like youve got an opinion on everything from sex without condoms to running schools. You sound like a
smart-arse who thinks they know everything but actually know nothing. If you haven't worked for treville stop putting it down. You're just an argumentative [edited]. I strongly suggest you know far more about bought for sex than teaching.

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