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#1 Parent Tunoi - 2007-03-12
Re: EF, English First Suzhou AVOID - ESL school review

So, why are you working there?
Go away - there are too many bad stories about that chain of franchised English First schools!
They are crap!

#2 Parent ESL Teacher - 2007-03-05
Re: EF, English First Suzhou AVOID - ESL school review

You still cannot justify the exploitative salaries they offer.. Sorry, I'm not buying into this crap. Just because a school doesnt give a teacher a hassle for their meagre salary doesnt mean it is exempt from having to pay market wages..

This school is notorious for paying low salaries..

#3 Parent Fred Savage - 2007-01-28
Re: EF, English First Suzhou - ESL school review

On a rotten fruit tree there are always a few good fruit to be picked. Perhaps EF has a couple of schools that are well managed and operated but on the whole EF schools are McDonalds. Franchising has killed the reputation of EF versus providing them with Academic acceptance on the International Forum. They are only a brand name in Indonesia and their self imposed titles of grand success world-wide are....well...self-imposed.

EF has a consistent record of false advertising, contract violations, under-the-table work permit deals, shanty franchise ownership. All this can be added to their questionable academic policies, methodolagy and techniques.

EF consistently has HIGH turnover rates amongst their teachers, Academic Coordinators and Director of Studies.

This can easily be the result of PROFESSIONAL ESL employees being disgusted with EF'S incompetence in ESL academics and certainly countless teachers from countless countries who have been lied to, cheated, mistreated, misrepresented, legally manipulated and professionally degradated.

Congratualtions on your EF "EDEN". But the rest of us are not convinced on the whole of EF due to Suzhou's impeccable rehiring record.

Michal Zlotkowski - 2007-01-22
EF, English First Suzhou - ESL school review

Heya - I've read a lot of nasty stuff about EF on the web, and have heard a lot from traumatised teachers. Needless to say that a lot of their experiences were bad enough to make anyone think twice about joining an EF school. However, as someone has already mentioned on this board, there is a number of good EF's. I'm lucky enough to have found one of them.

EF Suzhou is probably one of the most progressive EF's I've managed to encounter during my time in China. I know it's been knocked a bit, especially by a former DoS. However, the knocking is all a bit lame, if you do ever bother getting into the finer details - just personality clashes.

As far as I am concerned this school is doing a great job, and the teachers here get looked after really well. I've rejoined them after an absence of 1 year, 2 other teachers have resigned their contracts and some others are contemplating doing the same. Yes, sometimes there are some teachers who are not happy - it comes with the brand name - but from what I've seen, most of the teachers here are quite content with the way things are done.

Anyway, thought I'd let all the moaners out there know that the devil isn't as ugly as some painters would have us believe.

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