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#1 Parent justjames - 2014-02-19
Re: Chinaesl

We have two teachers. They don't teach they just complain about Asia and spend all the time they should spend on lesson preparations moaning on Dave's Caf, or some such other awful whinging website.

I feel your pain, man. But not that much. After all, who hired the teachers that are apparently not qualified?

Judging by your English, and the fact that you wrote, "We have two teachers.", would lead me to believe that you are part of the administration and, therefore, perhaps involved in the hiring process as well. If that's true, then am I to assume that you have, or will in the future, change your hiring practices?

On the other hand, if you believe that the teachers you hired are actually qualified and have decided against devoting as much time as possible to teaching, then perhaps you need to look closer at what it is that has made them demonstrate a lack of motivation.

Also, don't overlook the fact that if you want to get the most out of your teachers, it may be time to give more than you have been. It doesn't have to be money. Even showing a little concern about the well being of foreign teachers goes a long way. But you can't just talk the talk. You must walk the walk as well.

I've worked in a few places in China where I was treated very, very well, and I have no doubts that this could be the norm instead of the exception if people like yourself would consider that not only are FTs in some ways representing their own countries, but you also represent your own country.

So many foreign teachers go home after a brief and terrible first time teaching experience in China. They leave their homes with high hopes and return with a bitter taste in their month and a bad rap for China wherever they go.

But there are good stories to be told, too. You can be a part of the bad story or the good one.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl

True, in the West especially where I live there are many people who support Socialism which they believe is what China is doing successfully. I think if the red army ever invaded the USA in the future you will find plenty of eager wumao wannabe's who believe that the Bloody Red Flag is the next great thing.

You tend to see desperate reactions to the current economic situation or an American government that has failed them at both extremes these days:

1.) Those who are Sinophobic, if not racist towards China, due to its growing influence.

2.) Those who just want to sell out and instantly switch to the Chinese side, endlessly singing their praise.

Then there are normal, sensible people that don't jump to such conclusions straight away.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl

but at the same time I have found that too many people obsess about multi-cultural adaptability for the sake of it.

True, in the West especially where I live there are many people who support Socialism which they believe is what China is doing successfully. I think if the red army ever invaded the USA in the future you will find plenty of eager wumao wannabe's who believe that the Bloody Red Flag is the next great thing.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl

Bloody hell Dragz, the special needs kiddies just seem to love you!

Really though, Brisbane whatever you name is twat, that is probably just another [edited] alias... Just go into rehab, get counselling or something, lol. Talk to somebody. But don't talk to us, maybe you can talk to Frank?

You may have partied too hard in the past, a difficult event in life may have gotten you down or something. We won't judge you for that, but publicly displaying your sense of delusion or signs of depression on the internet isn't going to do you any favours.

Don't be ashamed to take a step back to reflect upon things or seek help from somebody else.

Many of us have periods in our lives where we do things to excess. We might have boshed too many pills on a few too many consecutive weekends, got a bit out of control with the sniff or have let that casual few spliffs/beers after work ritual get a little out of hand for far too long.

You aren't alone when it comes to these kind of problems but first, you need to come clean and actually admit that you have a problem. Denying that you have a problem will only hold you back further.

We wish you the best of luck for the future.

#5 Parent Brisbane Bludger Buster - 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl

at least, there were people living there thousands of years ago

So what, there were people living in the west thousands of years ago? Mathematicians and philosophers among them, long before on a certain day in 551 BC, Lu, the sun rose over Thai Shan heralding, johnny-come-lately, Kong Qui. You haven't read your Bible or Homer, have you? I know it took the Brits long enough to commission StoneHenge, just 2 or 3 thousand years ago, but it is a nice picture. What all this has to do with more recent events of the Chinese learning evil tricks from the West, I do not know. I am not saying you're one of them, but representatives from the west in the guise of teachers are doing their part in teaching the Chinese to be lazy whingers; and these forums prove that point.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl

Many of these so called "evil" or "bad" practices did not originate in the West. If China has really been around for such a long time (at least, there were people living there thousands of years ago) one can believe they themselves reinvented these bad practices with a coat of "Western" paint that seems like copycatting.
My impression of ESL Cafe is that it is less tolerant of differing opinions regarding the criticism of working abroad.

Haha, ESL cafe... Featuring wonderful useless topics such as 'Chinese people not queueing' or 'where to buy certain type of foreign food in certain city.'

#7 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl

They are quick learners the Chinese, they learn all the malpractices from the west. Best we as foreign teachers keep our noses out of how the Chinese market themselves and concentrate on the teaching we are hired to do in Asia. We have two teachers. They don't teach they just complain about Asia and spend all the time they should spend on lesson preparations moaning on Dave's Caf, or some such other awful whinging website.

So what you are really are saying is: Sell your soul for your 20 pieces of silver?

No thanks, I am not as desperate as you.

You have some decent points, I will give you that. But there are boundaries to one's tolerance.

I also don't like it when newbies either moan/cum in their pants about everything that is different from back home, but at the same time I have found that too many people obsess about multi-cultural adaptability for the sake of it. Contrary to what they might teach you at any business school, sometimes it might be better to remember that there are certain aspects of your home country's culture that are actually worth hanging onto, that are even superior to that of your host country, as prejudiced as that sounds. Besides, if it wasn't for their flaws, these Chinese companies would have no need to hire expats to solve their problems!

Sure, it is good to keep your nose out of office politics too if you can; I have personally suffered due to that shit in the past but... if you have morals, you might not want to flush those down the toilet.

Then again, maybe I am being too polite to you. Are you just another wumao with a bullshit western style name trying to suppress the influence of esl websites, that allow teachers to realise what a load of bullshit the Chinese ESL industry has become?

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl

Many of these so called "evil" or "bad" practices did not originate in the West. If China has really been around for such a long time (at least, there were people living there thousands of years ago) one can believe they themselves reinvented these bad practices with a coat of "Western" paint that seems like copycatting.

My impression of ESL Cafe is that it is less tolerant of differing opinions regarding the criticism of working abroad.

#9 Parent Brisbane Bludger Buster - 2014-02-15
Re: Chinaesl

They are quick learners the Chinese, they learn all the malpractices from the west. Best we as foreign teachers keep our noses out of how the Chinese market themselves and concentrate on the teaching we are hired to do in Asia. We have two teachers. They don't teach they just complain about Asia and spend all the time they should spend on lesson preparations moaning on Dave's Caf, or some such other awful whinging website.

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