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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-22
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

And was Expertise Ed. ask her to get on that plane and make the choice to come to China, no

They bring people to china and provide training, which I must say isn't really ideal. All they do is give some ideas and the rest is your imagination.

OP needs to provide more to support their claims instead of bashing.

It is the foreign GW taking a break and getting replaced by the Chinese GW now?

#2 Parent Really? - 2014-02-22
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

And was Expertise Ed. ask her to get on that plane and make the choice to come to China, no

They bring people to china and provide training, which I must say isn't really ideal. All they do is give some ideas and the rest is your imagination.

OP needs to provide more to support their claims instead of bashing.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-21
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

Expertise Education offers shared accommodation, EF doesn't offer it. It depends on the franchise. And referring to "a load of rubbish".. Pretty much the OP wrote is bollocks and I can dissect that. I see 9 points, 9 points all EXCUSES. Hence why you haven't responded AT ALL to comments posted here these days.
Everything read just simply shows you are not ready or ever will be ready to take on this lifestyle here in China. That's good because we don't need such people like you.

Well, if you are replying to me, I've responded to most of your posts. And if that poster ain't replying, so what bitch?

A lot of people with grievances will post a shit review of a school, if they feel that are mistreated. It is the price that shit schools have to pay for being shit. Not everybody want to become a regular poster, they just want to get shit off their chest and we have to respect that.

Also, some fake review do exaggerate things a little, but we have all seen a lot of fake reviews from both sides. When it comes to fake negative reviews, we know when somebody is just a pathetic little bitch that shouldn't have been hired in the first place, yet will remember whose job it was to hire those people in the first place. We can work out where blame lies.

However, we can also work out when a negative review is genuine. Especially, when the issues raised are actually worth giving a f**k about, such as attempting to take one's passport. A response from a silly little GW bitch like yourself that blames the victim, just gives me the impression that it was a genuine review.

1) Apartment: Faeces and urine over the floor, black walls, broken and smashed windows, on the 18th floor with all 3 elevators broken, no internet connection like promised and broken beds. (Not the homley, clean and safe apartment promised).

Makebelieve - the place must have been burgled for this to be anywhere near true. Purposefully done by them? Don't think so. EXCUSES


Agents have been known to lie about this kind of thing. After all, a teacher is often left pretty much homeless without the accommodation provided. I even had one bad employer try to use this as a tactic. Those idiots didn't realise that I had extra financial resources to fall back on, hence could stay in a hotel for a few weeks whilst resolving the dispute.

2) School close to apartment: An hour and a half commute each way is not close. When I said this I was told I was lucky because most Beijingers commute 2-3 hours. (Told in interview we could cycle to school).

Haha, it's China,took me an hour at least. It takes at least an HOUR to get anywhere in Beijing. You were actually LUCKY to be so close. Some people are on the subway from CAOFANG east Line 6 to fuxingmen line 2. So what, what they told you, leave earlier in the morning you were there to work not play ......... EXCUSES


Did you do anything to explain that kind of thing to the teachers beforehand and make it clear to them? Not all teachers grew up in a big megacities like New York, L.A or Chicago.

Beijing transport is a bitch in that it is a big place, taxis can be expensive and the subways are really crowded. On the positive side, it is only 2 kuai to go anywhere but the airport, those transportation cards give you 50% discounts or something on buses (sure, it is just a few jiao but everybody likes a discount, right?).

Your macho attitude does not impress anybody. You should take care of new employees, not criticize them. They are in a new city, a new country... One problem with ESL is that employees are paid relatively little, they are far too disposable. When a real expat hire fails to complete an assignment in Beijing, their company loses a lot of money, due to shipping costs, private school for the kid costs, luxury apartment rent costs, etc. Hence, they get looked after and usually settle in well.

Even a shitty ESL company that a friend worked for recently in Beijing, had guys clearly explain that he would NOT be able to afford to live in Zhongguancun on a teaching salary.

However, the f**kers tricked him to getting a place somewhere around Daxing at way above a reasonable price on a year long contract paid upfront, when he could have got a room at a place in Sanlitun for the same price (think he hates sharing accommodation though).

3) Medical: Be prepared to have an internal exam. We weren't warned about this and the staff member who showed us to the hospital left us so we couldn't communicate and only knew what was happening when the doctor started pulling at our skirts. Another teacher with us had a seizure while queueing for his blood test and no one helped. The Expertise staff member came back half hour later and told the teacher to finish his medical even though he was lying on the floor, white and we told her he'd just had a seizure.

Is it Expertise Education fault for him fainting? - The contract should have stated there would be a medical test, you must have been so blind not to even read the contract before signing. EXCUSES


Some teachers are new to China, if you wanted teachers that are familiar with all the processes, hire within China. Cultural shock is normal.

What I have noticed that the better companies try to make that transition as easy as possible for the teachers, whereas the bad companies... Well, even most bad companies are nice at the beginning in order to give their victims a false sense of security, but your shitty company couldn't even do that right!

The poor girl probably thought that she only needed to do to test back home, like I did when I first arrived and was taken to a hospital that looks terrible compared to most back home. It can be a shocking experience.

However, every time I have done a health check when starting a new job, there has also been somebody with me to show me the way, translate and stuff, regardless of the fact that these days I would not need such assistance.

The fact that your staff failed to even show any concern towards the basic well-being of your employees, just shows why people shouldn't ever work for Expertise Education!

4) Expertise Office: No one here communicates with each other. We were given so much conflicting information. Told we had to start at a school only to go there and find someone else in the office had given the job to another teacher. Told to go to an interview at a school and then changing the location again, and again, and again. Asked why we weren't at an interview when someone else had called from the office saying it was somewhere else... etc.

As I remember, you're taken to demo class in groups of 2-3 - or 1 if you're lucky. They're actually a close knit staff-base. Your job to confirm with them... again, EXCUSES


You could save a lot of time and energy by being organised... I think it is not the OP making excuses, but your shitty company!

5) Free Mandarin classes? It would have taken us nearly two hours to get to the expertise office for our mandarin class.

You must have been around Bagou in Haidian, so what for 2 hours? They are free classes, brought in an actual mandarin teacher to teach you Chinese which would have stopped all your excuses for leaving and allowed you to actually survive in China. 2 hours...... It's your fault for accepting a position far away from the office then. You must have been out of Beijing, 2 hours on a subway takes you to far out of Beijing. ..... MORE EXCUSEE


Oh, so the victim is to blame? Chinese skills don't even have that much to do with surviving in Beijing, you retard. The place is about as international as it gets. Sure, already speaking a fair bit of Chinese helped me to find cool (and often cheap) places and get around, but come on...

Beijing is arguably the best place to learn Chinese due to those perfect standard accents and locals being to used to communicating with foreigners with dodgy Mandarin. But not everybody is self-taught like me. Some people need those classes.

6) There were no other teachers living in the area we were placed. We were completely alienated.

alienated how? which kindergarten did you work at? How can not living with "other teachers" make you alienated by them? This is your fault for not learning Chinese (or enduring the subway.. which I still cant believe was 2 hours. MORE EXCUSES


She had only been in the country a matter of weeks, dickhead. You honestly expect her to learn Chinese that quickly? Also, there's the loneliness factor, forming genuine friendships with Chinese people is not always easy and that language barrier doesn't help.

I don't advocate living in foreigner ghettoes as I believe that getting away from that can aid cultural adaptation, yet I do know that placing teachers in the middle of nowhere is a common tactic used by bad TCs and agents, as they do not like to see foreign teachers communicating with each other.

7) When we went to the Expertise office to discuss our issues we were told we had no other option and no choice.

There's nothing to stop you asking for a change of school around the new year start. EXCUSES GALORE


I doubt that the OP will return to reply, but I would not be surprised if their contract stated otherwise.

8) When I was Ill from school one day and called the office to let them know they sent someone who banged on the door continuously until I answered it and told me I should be in school and I would loose my job if I didn't go. Also tried to get my passport to keep in the office. DO NOT give them your passport.

You almost got me on this one, you WILL lose your job if you don't go. Calling in sick is no problem. EXCUSES - Haha @ the passport taking. You're just painting them to be unethical.


It is a commonly known tactic used by shitty TCs, nothing out of the ordinary, sadly. So I believe her, not you.

9) The visa they get you to come into the country on is illegal to work on. We were told we would have our working visa after training which never happened. We had been there for nearly 3 months when we left and still no sign of getting us our legal working visa as promised. Also, we NEVER got paid in the time we were there because of a huge list of ridiculous reasons.

I got paid each time, even earlier if the 15th fell on a weekend. EXCUSES AND LIES

"on is illegal to work on" You shouldn't have even qualified to be an English teacher - Don't ever come back to China, liars and uneducated people like you are NOT TOLERATED OR WANTED

Nuff said.

So, why did Expertise Education hire her? If that is the case, I think it is they that have made the error, not her. She is the victim, she need not be blamed.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-21
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

Anybody who boasts about teaching English in China and their salary is stupid. English teaching is just a reasonably stress-free semi-retirement sort of thing. It is not a career, and I very much doubt posters like Turnoi or that SB fellow need to rely on English teaching money.
In agree with what you wrote.

I'm not sure who it was... But somebody else made an excellent point about being able to sniff out the illegal teachers... They are the ones that solely talk about money, boast about all the side gigs that they are getting, etc. I guess that when legitimate teachers talk about work, we actually talk about real work issues, not money. After all, most people keep their salary/income details confidential.

It is not just a semi-retirement thing, but also a career stop-gap for many. The thing is, you should be careful not to let it become your real career.

#5 Parent Really? - 2014-02-21
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

Expertise Education offers shared accommodation, EF doesn't offer it. It depends on the franchise. And referring to "a load of rubbish".. Pretty much the OP wrote is bollocks and I can dissect that. I see 9 points, 9 points all EXCUSES. Hence why you haven't responded AT ALL to comments posted here these days.

Everything read just simply shows you are not ready or ever will be ready to take on this lifestyle here in China. That's good because we don't need such people like you.

1) Apartment: Faeces and urine over the floor, black walls, broken and smashed windows, on the 18th floor with all 3 elevators broken, no internet connection like promised and broken beds. (Not the homley, clean and safe apartment promised).

Makebelieve - the place must have been burgled for this to be anywhere near true. Purposefully done by them? Don't think so. EXCUSES


2) School close to apartment: An hour and a half commute each way is not close. When I said this I was told I was lucky because most Beijingers commute 2-3 hours. (Told in interview we could cycle to school).

Haha, it's China,took me an hour at least. It takes at least an HOUR to get anywhere in Beijing. You were actually LUCKY to be so close. Some people are on the subway from CAOFANG east Line 6 to fuxingmen line 2. So what, what they told you, leave earlier in the morning you were there to work not play ......... EXCUSES


3) Medical: Be prepared to have an internal exam. We weren't warned about this and the staff member who showed us to the hospital left us so we couldn't communicate and only knew what was happening when the doctor started pulling at our skirts. Another teacher with us had a seizure while queueing for his blood test and no one helped. The Expertise staff member came back half hour later and told the teacher to finish his medical even though he was lying on the floor, white and we told her he'd just had a seizure.

Is it Expertise Education fault for him fainting? - The contract should have stated there would be a medical test, you must have been so blind not to even read the contract before signing. EXCUSES


4) Expertise Office: No one here communicates with each other. We were given so much conflicting information. Told we had to start at a school only to go there and find someone else in the office had given the job to another teacher. Told to go to an interview at a school and then changing the location again, and again, and again. Asked why we weren't at an interview when someone else had called from the office saying it was somewhere else... etc.

As I remember, you're taken to demo class in groups of 2-3 - or 1 if you're lucky. They're actually a close knit staff-base. Your job to confirm with them... again, EXCUSES


5) Free Mandarin classes? It would have taken us nearly two hours to get to the expertise office for our mandarin class.

You must have been around Bagou in Haidian, so what for 2 hours? They are free classes, brought in an actual mandarin teacher to teach you Chinese which would have stopped all your excuses for leaving and allowed you to actually survive in China. 2 hours...... It's your fault for accepting a position far away from the office then. You must have been out of Beijing, 2 hours on a subway takes you to far out of Beijing. ..... MORE EXCUSEE


6) There were no other teachers living in the area we were placed. We were completely alienated.

alienated how? which kindergarten did you work at? How can not living with "other teachers" make you alienated by them? This is your fault for not learning Chinese (or enduring the subway.. which I still cant believe was 2 hours. MORE EXCUSES


7) When we went to the Expertise office to discuss our issues we were told we had no other option and no choice.

There's nothing to stop you asking for a change of school around the new year start. EXCUSES GALORE


8) When I was Ill from school one day and called the office to let them know they sent someone who banged on the door continuously until I answered it and told me I should be in school and I would loose my job if I didn't go. Also tried to get my passport to keep in the office. DO NOT give them your passport.

You almost got me on this one, you WILL lose your job if you don't go. Calling in sick is no problem. EXCUSES - Haha @ the passport taking. You're just painting them to be unethical.


9) The visa they get you to come into the country on is illegal to work on. We were told we would have our working visa after training which never happened. We had been there for nearly 3 months when we left and still no sign of getting us our legal working visa as promised. Also, we NEVER got paid in the time we were there because of a huge list of ridiculous reasons.

I got paid each time, even earlier if the 15th fell on a weekend. EXCUSES AND LIES

"on is illegal to work on" You shouldn't have even qualified to be an English teacher - Don't ever come back to China, liars and uneducated people like you are NOT TOLERATED OR WANTED

Nuff said.

#6 Parent giver or taker? - 2014-02-21
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

Anybody who boasts about teaching English in China and their salary is stupid. English teaching is just a reasonably stress-free semi-retirement sort of thing. It is not a career, and I very much doubt posters like Turnoi or that SB fellow need to rely on English teaching money.

In agree with what you wrote.

#7 Parent Really? - 2014-02-21
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

Recommend away, I'll check it out. Unless you mean New Oriental

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-20
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

Fair point. But enough experience in high schools... kindergartens and TCs could easily land you a job at a int. school, and these pay 35k+ per month. Full 1 month winter and summer holiday.
Good point earlier too about gaining experience. Even You do a tefl course the real learning begins in the classroom. As time passed you pick up more skills and ideas, anyone will say they are better now than the first day.

What you are failing to notice is that by working in EF, no decent International school would ever employ you! Thankfully, if you are desperate for international school teacher status, there's said to be a fair few shitty ones around Shanghai that you can apply for too.

#9 Parent Really? - 2014-02-20
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

Fair point. But enough experience in high schools... kindergartens and TCs could easily land you a job at a int. school, and these pay 35k+ per month. Full 1 month winter and summer holiday.

Good point earlier too about gaining experience. Even You do a tefl course the real learning begins in the classroom. As time passed you pick up more skills and ideas, anyone will say they are better now than the first day.

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-20
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

You could say I earn over 20,000CNY per month, good guess. You don't really work for us, you just trolling because some agency took you for a joke. Some young ex-uni grad who isn't really qualified to be a teacher? Go back to working at the garage in your forever downfall of a country.

If you are aiming that at Turnoi, well... he's almost retirement age and has a published book that sells for well over 300 Euros a copy. I'm not going to be rude and directly ask him about his salary/income here, but it is safe to say that he might have done reasonably well in life, at least on a financial level.

20,000 a month might be a good salary by teaching standards, but if you want to start a boasting match, you'd quickly find that is not such a high figure amongst other expats in China. Not to mention, teachers at the international schools... Mind you, as an EF teacher, you'll never ever get a job at one of those.

As for agencies taking people for a joke... Typical GW talk, blaming the victim as always. As for me, I gain no pleasure from laughing at such people unless they did something bad to me. I'd rather give them advice or help them.

#11 Parent Really? - 2014-02-20
Re: Expertise Education, Beijing

You could say I earn over 20,000CNY per month, good guess. You don't really work for us, you just trolling because some agency took you for a joke. Some young ex-uni grad who isn't really qualified to be a teacher? Go back to working at the garage in your forever downfall of a country.

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