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#1 Parent Slippers - 2015-01-13
Re: Tefl Supreme Thailand

Just what is wrong with Thailand? Are thai people raised to think cheating foreigners is an artform and acceptable?

#2 Parent Pinochio - 2015-01-12
Re: Tefl Supreme Thailand

This guy Santipot owns teach to travel mskes fake work permits and takes your money for rent into his bank account instead of giving all to the landlord . He owed me 56,000 baht and does not pay uou holidays snd makes you do more visa runs because he is a full 100 % liar
Do not work for teach to travel or teflsupreme uou will not get paid
Be aware you have been warbed

#3 Parent Joe - 2014-05-04
Re Tefl Supreme Thailand

Same owner that has Teach to Travel Thailand and made fake work permits and visas for teachers.
Santipot Nakduang.Paid them late and was not good.

#4 Parent Joe - 2014-04-28
Re Tefl Supreme and Teach to Travel Thailand

Teflsupreme and Teach to Travel Thailand is one and the same company. Owned by Santipot Nakduang.
He was caught last year making fake visas end work permits for teachers. Don't trust them.

#5 Parent Banana Hooligan - 2014-03-18
Re: Tefl Supreme Thailand

If you can't find any review on them, then look at how they present themselves. They say they will train you and get you a job later. Those who know the ESL industry will tell you that this entails some important pro and cons that you should carefully consider in comparison to similar offers from other providers. I have listed the information for you below; it is from their website, and now it is for you to do your homework before you decide.

What do we do?

Place English teachers in schools in Thailand earning a competitive salary- provided that you have an Education degree or a degree in English or have another degree and have already completed a 100+hour TEFL course.

What else do we do?

If you have a degree but no TEFL qualifications, you can complete the 120 hour course with us and then be placed in a school, also earning a competitive salary. You can choose to take your TEFL course in either the historic ancient capital, Ayuttaya or on the beautiful island of Koh Samet.

If you have not yet got your degree but would like the opportunity to teach, we offer an internship programme to undergraduates studying an Education, English or Linguistics degree. This means that you will take a short (30 hour) TEFL course and then be placed in a school for a minimum of 1 semester (approximately 5 months). You will also earn a basic salary which will cover your living expenses.

However if you only want a short term placement we can alternatively offer you a volunteer teaching placement (5-6 weeks) during the summer on Koh Samet.

Gas - 2014-03-17
Tefl Supreme Thailand

Anyone knows or has experience of TEFLSupreme in Thailand?

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