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#1 Parent Anderson - 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - Bill Zhang (Bill Chang) now uses the name TEDA EDUCATION GROUP

Bill Zhang (Bill Chang) now uses the name TEDA EDUCATION GROUP in his latest advertisements. It seems the name SAGE stinks.

#2 Parent Traveling Bob - 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - New name: TEDA Education Group

I was actually looking at another thread when this one caught my eye.

I spent a year working in Songyuan recently and have some knowledge of the ESL community(it's hard not to when there are less than 100 foreigners in town). I have met the owner of this school, and I am aware that he has a reputation. I honestly can say I've heard both positive and negative things, but I was more intrigued by how polarized the views have been. That, to me, denotes something more personal between this school/owner/management and other individuals.
Trust me, Songyuan, China ain't happenin' enough for ANYONE to care enough to even mention it.

Most of us couldn't wait to finish our contracts, move on, and never mention this place again, let alone fan the flames of a 5+ year long thread. Why? Because Songyuan is a pretty boring place.

It comes down to using your best judgement. I know of people who hated working for this man as well as those that finished their contracts and chalked it up to an experience, and a few that actually enjoyed working here and had no major issues.

Good luck with your teaching endeavors :)

#3 Parent fkbill - 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - its real name is FOREIGN STUDIES ACADEMY OF SONGYUAN

yes, he is cheating by hiring the teachers using the name Sage , but he will use them in Songyuan, he hides his songyuan school name,because it is a rubbish.

#4 Parent fkbill - 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - New name: TEDA Education Group

please read the following message, it is a new name of this school, he uses another name to cheat teachers.

TEDA, Tianjin, China

Location: TEDA or Tianjin Economic Development Area is situated just 55 minutes from Beijing by "bullet train". This area houses more international corporations than Shanghai, with hundreds more under construction. It is a new, modern, and westernized city with superb shopping facilities close at hand, great restaurants, beautiful parks and nighttime hangouts.
Positions: To teach both business English to employees of top international companies, as well as the English language to pre-school children and young adults of influential and prominent officials and leaders.
Teachers receive a free furnished apartment with a spacious bedroom/bathroom, fully equipped with all western amenities, in a gated community, 5 minutes walk from the centre where shops & restaurants can be found.

If you are sincerely interested in the joining our team and hold the required qualifications please send your resume/CV, a recent photograph of yourself, a covering letter as well as any references to:

For the attention of:
Kate Culverwell
Recruitment Assistant
Skype: TedaEduGroup

Jiajun Chang
School President
TEDA Education Group, China
Skype: tedaeduchina

#5 Parent Anderson - 2013-11-22
Re: Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan - SAGE/TEDA (Dave's advert, 22 Nov)

Sam Cong/Bill Chang/Bill Zhang Jiajun, you have been found a liar and liars cannot be trusted. Where do you need 400 ‘teachers‘ at this time?GreenSunshine is your grovelling weasel and cannot be trusted either.

#6 Parent Sam Cong - 2013-11-20
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

The Green Sunshine write good post , she say our school is very good and highly prestigious. She also say I am very good to this teachers,. I always help and very friendly. All teacher now invited for to dog meat restaurant tonight, this dish much more tasty, not like Western fish and chips. After meal we will have great party in club of our town with women's escorts. Green Sunshine is our hostess and will make Western sugar daddy that is the teacher in our college very happy!

Join us, we need 400 new teachers!!!!

#7 Parent GreenSunshine - 2013-11-20
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

I would just like to say that I work for Bill currently, for Sage Education Group/ Songyuan Foreign Studies (He has two names registered) and have been working in his school for a while now and he Is a fantastic employer and boss. I've only had a great experience here and Bill will bend over backwards to help foreign teachers to settle in and feel at home. The pay is very fair, the accommodation is great. Bill and his school has unfortunately ended up with some rather sour teachers over the last few years who are not really willing to try to understand the Chinese way of running things, yes it is not always like living in England/US/Canada etc.....but this is why we should try to understand the cultural differences rather than become negative and start to blame people. Also I see some of the complaints on here come from individuals who can barely string a coherent English sentence together. This one particular individual complained that his/her visa took long to receive, it is no simple process to get such a visa in China, even Korea or Japan, you will find the same processes which take a long time, especially if you come from specific countries. This is the norm, not the schools fault. I have never been 'cheated' as some people complain about. One thing I do know is that I've heard horror stories about foreign teachers here who have behaved really badly, don't take there job seriously and who have probably been over pampered in their home countries. Some teachers even came close to physically assaulting the Chinese assistants who are the sweetest girls. If you behave badly, surely this should reflect in the way you are treated in return in the form of your pay? I know that warnings are always issued first in such cases too. Anyways if anyone reads this and is considering applying for a position with Sage, please feel free to contact me and I will shed some light for you.

#8 Parent Stella - 2013-10-01
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

I`d like to warn foreigners not to work for FOREIGN STUDIES ACADEMY OF SONGYUAN (now called SAGE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP)!
Protect yourself from a dishonest headmaster Bill Zhang Jiajun or Sam Cong (he uses this name too)!

#9 Parent Anderson - 2013-10-01
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - its real name is FOREIGN STUDIES ACADEMY OF SONGYUAN

Bill Zhang Jiajun (or Sam Cong, the name he uses on this forum) usually advertises under the name SAGE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP, and does not reveal the name of his training centre in Songyuan, the Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan.

You are right - he is a cheater. He knows no shame.

#10 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-09-30
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

With Chinglish spoken like that, we obviously have no reason to respect you or believe a single word that you say. My general impression is that you must be working for an absolutely terrible quality school. Maybe that’s why you tend to hire poor quality teachers too. You are equally worthy of blame as any foreign teacher.

#11 Parent Sam Cong - 2013-09-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

No cheat happen, all this is lies from foreigners who don't work well in our highly prestigious school; they are always drunk and never turn up in time for class. Many students complains about lessons from this foreigner teachers, they are so rude and arrogant to them. Our school is the best in our city, and many officials send their children to our highly prestigious school for English lesson. We now have 5,000 students and 450 teechers, and so you see we are well-known and respected school.

Stop telling lies!

#12 Parent Fbill - 2013-09-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

how did he cheat you ?

#13 Parent Fbill - 2013-09-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

SAGE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP,it is the name to cheat us ,my visa is delayed to be got , Bill always try to cheat us.

#14 Parent BTS - 2012-10-09
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college


#15 Parent Anderson - 2012-06-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

Who is telling the lie? Bill is posting again. I have read the post by Al Colic who gives Bill’s full name as Bill Zhang Jiajun. Al Colic’s post is dated August 28, 2011, and why Bill, after so many months, suddenly mentions Al Colic’s post? Bill is suffering from guilt. The posters have called him, among other things, a “liar and manipulator,” and said he “cannot be trusted.” He is not ashamed of himself and so now and then posts in defense of himself or his school under various aliases such as Sam Cong, Dong Fanghong, and, now, tbill (he can be in different locations - the post under his name "Bill Zhang" gives the hint).

He says his school is changing its name to SEGE. An engine search gives me this information: Songyuan Foreign Studies ‘college’ is called Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan. I have got a picture of the school from a website (see next post) and also a picture of Bill himself. He looks good and kind (it’s only an outward appearance) but the posters have shown him to be a liar, corrupt, ruthless etc. He is a terrible boss of that crap training school!

#16 Parent Anderson - 2012-06-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

Bill Zhang's school - Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan - picture

#17 Parent fbill - 2012-06-28
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

is it true ? or you tell a lie? now they are changing the name to SEGE, not using this name to recruit the foreign teachers.

#18 Parent samcong - 2012-05-20
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

shit,who ues my "samcong"without my permission is just a dog barking! only someone who is guilty then he will steal other's name to put message here.

#19 Parent Al Colic - 2011-08-28
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

The Songyuan Foreign Studies College is NOT, I repeat NOT a school where you will wish to work. The Headmaster, Zhang Jiajun, or more simplly Bill Zhang is a [edited] liar and a manipulator. He devotes all of his time to 'dividing' his employees, by pitting one against another one, so that no one will get along with each other and team up against is his greatest fear that this will happen. So, instead of treating people decently in the first place, he exerts an enormous amount of time, energy and effort in playing games with people.

If you are from the US and require a Foreign Expert Certificate, he will obtain the certificate on your behalf, but then keep it and will not let the foreign teacher have it. So, when you leave at the end of your contract and you need the certificate, he can demand money from you in order to give the certificate to you. I guess he must be really hard up for cash.

The apartments that he provides have broken furniture in them and if you want to have something fixed, even if you did not break it, he will send his goon henchman Mr. Ding to look at the issue and then tell you if you want the problem fixed, it will cost YOU money to repair it. Again, I guess he does not have the money for decent furnishing or simple repairs to the flats he rents for his teachers.

He seldom gives the salary on time. In 12 month period, he paid the salary late EIGHT MONTHS. The pay date is the 10th, and sometimes, it would only be a day or two late, but one month, the salary was given out on the 17th of the month, and in another month, it was paid on the 23rd of the month. This was done because one foreign teacher that Bill did not like, was bugging the foreign teacher's supervisor about the salary and when this was shared with Bill, his response was "None of the teachers will be paid! They will all have to wait until after the holiday!" This is another of Bill's ploys to further divide teachers.

When some of the Chinese teachers would quit because they had other jobs, Bill would get angry and tell them that he was going to sue them.....FOR. GETTTING. ANOTHER. JOB.

So, if you like to be paid on time and treated with a modicum of decency and respect, I strongly suggest completely by-passing Songyuan Foreign Studies College and Zhang JiaJun, as he has no concept of what respect and deceny are, and I strongly suspect that his finances are in a complete mess and he has difficulty meeting his monthly payroll. If however, you don't care about these things, go ahead and apply to this place and you will no doubt be able to secure a post without haste.

#20 Parent Dragonized - 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

While skimming this thread I came across this post, and while it's almost 2 years old it still rings true. Said writer provides information that might as well be written one hour ago. Nothing has changed!

It really would take drastic action to make china curb her crap. Nothing less than worldwide sanctions would change the quality of bad materials and poisonous items that are being traded to other countries. Unfortunately it would truly take a big effort. Are countries willing to do that?

#21 Parent Chris Ducheyne - 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college


My name is Chris and I am from Belgium. I have been teaching English for Songyuan Foreign Studies College since September 2010 until nowadays. Chinese teachers and foreign teachers get on well with each other in a positive, friendly and pleasant atmosphere. At our school, there are also regular meetings to update things and to discuss things which still need improvement. There are many things to see and to do in and around Songyuan. Sometimes, we have some parties or activities to build up the relationships and the team spirit between each other. The accommodation provided for the foreign teachers is normally in good condition and if something needs to be repaired, then it will be fixed in a short time.

Kind regards,


#22 Parent Chris Ducheyne - 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college


My name is Chris and I am originally from Belgium. I have been teaching in Songyuan Foreign Studies College since September 2010 until nowadays. Chinese and Foreign teachers get on well with each other in a positive, friendly and pleasant atmosphere. There are also many things to outside our school in Songyuan. Sometimes, we have parties and other activities to build up the relationship and the team spirit between colleagues. We also have regular meetings to update things and to discuss things which still need improvement. There is no reason at all to feel disappointed at our school. Just be happy with a positive work attitude!!

Kind regards,


#23 Parent I.sawitall - 2009-10-04
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

What is your Christian name? And where are you from? Because I don't believe it happend. Because I know the teachers that have worked there. I am 99% shure that you are Bill's goons (can you smell it? It's smells of Billsh1t)

#24 Parent Monitor - 2009-10-04
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

Funny you should mention a case of an FT being instructed to lie about his country of origin.
At a private college in Dongbei, where I taught for two semesters, the Chinese director told a Russian employed as an FT of English to say that he was English.
At a training center in Hubei, where I foolishly taught for a couple of months, a dosser (or DOS) told a "British" Cameroonian to say she was a Canadian. When I started a conversation about Quebec, she didn't know anything about that Canadian province. So, the dosser later instructed her to read up on Canada via the Net!
Laughable, isn't it? But that's not all! Young FT's are also told to lie about their age and where they graduated from. The Russian said he was 5 years older and had graduated from London University, whereas the "British" Cameroonian said she was 7 years older and had graduated from Cambridge University!
The worst aspect of all this was the dosser's collusion with the Chinese director. Shame on you, laowei dosser! Unfortunately, laowei dossers can be just like the Chinese - they'll sell their souls for filthy lucre!

#25 Parent I.sawitall - 2009-10-04
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

I thought I was unfortunate enough to end up working in Songyuan at one of the other schools. There is nothing to do in Songyuan except meeting with the few foreign teachers from the other schools for a drink, because there was nothing else to do in the city. The teachers from Songyuan Foreign Studies college did nothing but bitch and complain about everything and anything. After a while, we got around to talking about contracts, my school paid on average 2,000RMB for less hours then then their school, we also got two consecutive days off a week compared to their one day. We also taught managable class sizes, where they taught more then 100 students at a time, and we were not forced to do compulsory overtime with 30 minutes notice. They showed me their scheduels and were supposed to work seven days a week, and even teach two different lessons at a time and they explained this was the norm. We also had, our own apartments furnished to a decent living standard unlike our friends from SFSC, who had to share apartments with one or two other people with substandard fixtures and furnishings. They also told us about the school not caring about quality education, most of their English teachers being second language speakers. When asked, a teacher from Russia who told me, he had been instructed to say he was from Canada. One of the guys I used to drink with regular did a midnight runner (up and left at night without giving any notice)after finally getting his passport back after threats of phoning his respective Embassy. He left because his apartment had been robbed while he was away for a few days, it had not been broken into, it had been opened by a key, and could not take anymore.

#26 Parent FedEx - 2009-09-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

I still love China, the people, the government...etc...Sure the country has its problems but that is a whole other side. I just wanted to point out my fustration on a school that claims on this website to be the best school in Songyuan, the only one certified to hire foreign teachers, the most stable and that offers privacy in your personal life, is actually the one which is contradicting what they offer. There are 4 other schools in Songyuan with a proven track record that can hire foreigners and have little or no complaints that compare to the harshness of this school. You have no privacy at all and it is far from stable. If you apply to S.F.S.C and you have experience with schools like that, be my guest and work there if you can handle it. I really loved living in Songyuan and I would love to return there again. The people are great and you can learn the culture and language quickly there. But my message is out there for new people who have never experienced China. A school like that could ruin your experience and actually make you not see how Great and Amazing China is. Many old teachers who left the school have all at one point hated everything about Chinese because they worked for a control freak and often times threatening boss that would keep them in fear. Some people still think of China as a not so safe place for foreigners because of misconceptions. Horror stories about schools like S.F.S.C would make people fear coming to China. I wouldn't wish anyone to experience what I and many others have. No matter what country you are in, be careful when applying for schools and make sure you do your research. There are some great schools out there but beware of ones that sound too good to be true. Get references and make sure that you are working for someone you can trust. One last thing. If a school has been open for only 5 years and has had over 40 foreign teachers. Obviously it isn't very stable. Good luck to all in your search for a great time in China. Protect yourself and protect other foreigners you work with.

#27 Parent ft-me - 2009-09-15
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

Perhaps if you had read between the lines, you would realize that my scathing comments are based on my love for China rather than the reverse. Time to say it like it is, time to remove the rose colored glasses. Time to stop coddling China simply because we Westerners all want to get on the gravy chain that is the economic boom in China. Time for the government there to let some of that excess cash they're hoarding filter down to where it's actually needed.

I'm not particulary enamored with the idea of China's lovely, innocent, hopeful children being forced to breathe toxic fumes from burning garbage simply because the government can't spend a few bucks on garbage disposal. How 'bout you? Got any children? Want them growing up like that?

No, I don't hate China; however, you won't find me apologizing for it's unwarranted actions or lack of actions. I'm going to call it like it is. Moreover, I'm going to endeavor to make people realize that coming here to teach is a very bad idea in terms of their physical and mental well being. And I'm going to especially recommend that would be FTs do not bring their children into this environment. The real truth about China's environment is not widely known. I intend to make it known.

The mistreatment of FTs in China is only part of the issue. Foreigners wanting to teach in China should be given a clear picture of what's going on here. That's my agenda.

#28 Parent Monitor - 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

I'm sorry that you are so disappointed by what's happening in the PRC. That said, it's more than likely your post will have infuriated those readers who love said country. I haven't ever read such a negative and scathing post re China on this board. Michty me!

#29 Parent ft-me - 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

Well, I can see why you'd think it is one of the worse schools in China; however, there's lots of competition. It might make it into the top 500.

Come to exotic China, blah, blah, blah. It's the same old story. I taught there for six years. I heard lots of horror stories and encountered some mind boggling treatment at the hands of schools until I finally landed in a school that I could put up with. Ultimately, though, their greed and misguided concepts about what constituted quality English education drove me away.

These days it seems pretty easy for schools in China to hire foreigners as their class clowns. They're a dime a dozen. So, despite a constant turnover resulting from their mistreatment of FTs, they can hire replacements with little or no effort.

I'm never shocked anymore when I read about or find out about a school in China that mistreats its foreign teachers. I'm even less shocked when I find about one that gives little attention to quality education; that's not part of the scheme of things. I am shocked, though, when I hear about a school that's got all its ducks in a row. They are a rare breed, indeed.

In the coming months, I'll be initiating a campaign here in America that focuses on what China really has to offer. Not just in the way of their mistreatment of foreign teachers, but also the polluted environment. In the West, they get all the BS about "progressive China." What a joke. I love how easily you can find piles of burning garbage that spew intolerable chemicals into the very air that little children breathe. This is just one example. While the government rakes in the cash, the country is being destroyed. How China goes, so shall the rest of the planet. China should be subjected to extreme criticism by the United Nations. Instead, the whole world just keeps on kissing up to them due to their overflowing coffers.

Do your research before falling for the "exotic China" crap. China is destroying the rest of the planet and doing so under the umbrella of being a "developing country."

#30 Parent bob - 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

It seems the said school was intended to trouble foreign teachers. It is unbelievable. I experienced one case, one teacher lost his bag somewher and shouted scolding foreign languages department that nowhere was safe on campus. finally he found his bag at his department him self. The truth is that he left it there when he went to his office in the morning.

How rIdiculous, Foundation of his thinkong about employer is that all emlpoyers are wankers or cheats.

FedEx - 2009-09-13
Songyuan Foreign studies college, China

So this is in regards to probably one of the worst schools in China. The headmaster at this school offers you good pay and all these benefits. You end up working for the guy and you get paid nothing if you are not attractive, white or from a top school in the states. He will treat you like one of the worst teachers. One minute he will promise you things and then turn it around and deny that he said it. He only cares about a foreign face. He preaches the bible when he knows how screwed up he is and he is doing this so people will think that he has justified reasons to do these things. If you want to leave his school when your contract is up, he will first beg you for a long period of time to stay and then if you still say no. He will keep your passport and then threaten to cancel your visa and make you get deported. You won't get your last pay even though you worked your full contract. His Chinese goons will come into your apartment with out calling. One goon has been accused of sexually assaulting the teachears after entering their apartments while they were in the shower, watching tv changing..etc. This headmaster told the staff to not mention it or talk about it to anyone. This goon still works for him. Things have been known to disappear out of your apartment. If you come from a better school by the headmasters standards (Harvard,Cornell, Yale, etc...) you will be given the best treatment. He will take nice furniture and other appliances from the "lower" standard teacher's home and provide them with old furniture and dodgy appliances. You can't have a private life. He knows everything. You go to the bar, have a relationship, want to make friends with people. He knows it all. He will lecture you and tell you how it's terrible. You are constantly watched and maybe I'm paranoid but sometimes I think there are cameras in the apartment because he knows things that happen in your apartment when you were alone. I could go on but I think I have said enough. Saying anymore would just upset me. I just want those out there applying should know this.

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