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#1 Parent Ever - 2014-03-26
Re: EF Tangshan

Hi Jamie, I feel your frustration regarding the personal nature of some of the attacks. However, for the record can you confirm whether the 2 recent claims that the Richard poster made are true or not? Notably that EF Tangshan employed a sex offender (Richard provided links to his identity and crimes) and that EF Tangshan employees foreign teachers on something other than the standard z visa/resident permit system. These are serious concerns and go beyond name calling and bickering on an Internet forum.

#2 Parent Jamie - 2014-03-26
Re: EF Tangshan

To whom it may concern,

My name's Jamie a long time employee of EF Tangshan. Go check out my other recent comment at "" old Richard here is filling your heads with crap.

If you want to know the truth and not the rubbish that good old Richard has been posting here don't hesitate to send me an email.

Also in future, Richard if your going to slander a school with false allegations and straight up slanderous garbage whilst using a pseudonym, wait until after you have left the school not as your preparing to leave as it makes this quite obvious as to who you are!

As I am getting ready to leave this Godforsaken city, I will make a personal venture over to the Shanghai Headquarters to present this information.


#3 Parent Richard - 2014-03-26
Re: EF Tangshan

Thank you for your support as this is what we need to shed light on these heinous actions and to let people know that they cannot bully people into remaining quiet about severe infractions. As I am getting ready to leave this Godforsaken city, I will make a personal venture over to the Shanghai Headquarters to present this information. If you are still around the city, we should get together and compare notes so that way all the facts are present when I have this hearing in Shanghai.

#4 Parent T.E.S.T.I.F.Y - 2014-03-25
Re: EF Tangshan

Hello Richard,

Have you heard any news back from reporting to Shanghai about the problems or are you still collecting information? You mentioned that it may be hard since the school went to extra lengths to keep it covered up it.

If so please let us know what you've heard back because what you are doing is the right thing and many people want to stand behind you but they are afraid of the consequences and the ones that are against you are clearly the ones that have something to hide! I'm glad you can see beyond this and are looking at the, 'greater good' of the situation.

If you need another person to stand behind you, you have my full support! I will and can help corroborate in anything you need, as we were all victims in this situation.

#5 Parent Richard - 2014-03-18
Re: EF Tangshan

The school immediately erased/destroyed all records and covered all paper trails of the criminal ever being employed there once the complaint by the staff member was made. If a report was to be issued it could only be substantiated by other employee's speaking out but they've all been convinced...I mean bribed to silence.

Regardless of this, the documents and testimonials that aren't corrupted, those will be forwarded to the head office in Shanghai after all extenuating circumstances have been addressed.

#6 Parent Ever - 2014-03-17
Re: EF Tangshan

Have you passed this information onto the relevant Chinese authorities as well as the EF head office in Shanghai? If so what were their responses?

#7 Parent Richard - 2014-03-17
Re: EF Tangshan

Here are several links to the news story which took almost little or no effort to find, they actually appear in the first search page of Google:




Could you imagine sharing your workspace with a creature so vile and disgusting!? The articles clearly make note that this teacher was "Jailed" for an extended period of time...what kind our interviews are they conducting whereas they miss such a vital piece of information? To let a convicted child sex offender work with children, this is pure ludicrous; God only knows who else they are letting get away with stunts like this!!

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