Return to Index › AID Education, Panjin City, Xing Long Tai District
#1 Parent Dan - 2014-03-27
Re: AID Education, Panjin City, Xing Long Tai District

I taught there last year for a couple months. Grace, the owner, is very nice and always goes out of her way to accommodate the requests of foreign teachers. You will be paid on-time. I stayed only two months not because of the school but because I got a job offer that I couldn't resist back home. It was cool being the only foreign teacher there. The rest of the staff consisted of like 10 chinese teachers. It made me feel like an expert haha.

Tim - 2014-03-08
AID Education, Panjin City, Xing Long Tai District

I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with this school or with AID Education at all. I believe they are based out of Hong Kong but I can find no information about them online.
Any info would be appreciated.


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