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#1 Parent Lucky Strike Larry - 2014-03-29
Re: EF Tangshan

Ok, answer this one question: Do you support rubbish training centers and private schools in China ( or anywhere ) or not? Very easy to answer this question. So, do you support crap schools or not?
Yes, or NO? Answer the question. If you don't support them, you are honest. If you do support them you are a liar and a cheat. There ain't no middle ground. Where do you stand on this issue. Support rubbish schools? Or not? Decide.

He he haw haw, it feels like you have your fingers around my throat, tossing me around a cell in an effort to beat the truth into me, on the behalf of some malevolent war lord. The answer is this, my strangely aggressive friend. I most probably do support 'rubbish schools' because I feel that your ability to discern has gone strangely awry. What on earth is the matter with you? It sounds very much as though you also need some spiritual guidance, some balm to sooth a troubled soul. My advice to you would be to take some time out and consider your approach towards people. You know it makes sense?

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