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#1 Parent Lucky Strike Larry - 2014-04-08
Re EF English First Hohhot is crap!!!!

I believe you. You have however the right attitude. Good for you, sod them and don't let it get to you. That's the spirit. Not worth getting bitter and twisted about. Jolly good luck to you indeed.

#2 Parent Nelson - 2014-04-07
Re EF English First Hohhot is crap!!!!

I completely understand what you mean, and I am going to move on and already have a new adventure planned. I'm a qualified teacher with many years experience. That's why I got so angry with the way things were run there, quality education isn't necessary, it's just making money that's important. The worst part is that complaints of bullying weren't allowed to be taken any further because the Chinese management didn't believe them, that's new levels of low. That bully is now in charge! Anyway, onwards and upwards.

#3 Parent Lucky Strike Larry - 2014-04-06
Re EF English First Hohhot is crap!!!!

OK So I deleted a previous message I wrote, was being a bit too harsh in a moment of anger and don't want to stoop to the low levels of others.

All I can say is, teachers at EF Hohhot are treated incredibly unfairly, and at this moment in time there are some very vicious teachers working there (although in the minority). They will go to any means to be promoted and to suck up to managers.

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Shouldn't worry. Losing self control is a right of passage on these Internet forums.

As for what you reveal about this school, it's a lot down to perception, don't you think- how you perceive according to the manner of man you are? Put it like this. We have 'disgruntles' on these forums, who at some stage; and it may have been in the mists of time, have worked for these training centres- shiftless lazy individuals, who perceived other FT's who were merely doing their jobs, as ingratiating types. So they get the sack, and maybe the sack at the next unfortunate school. They return to the west feeling very bitter,and they stumble onto a forum, where they spend the next few years seeking revenge on training centres, by spreading scurrilous rumours and the like. On the other hand what you are saying could be true. I have no way of knowing. The best thing for you to do is forget all about the place. Put it behind you. Life is too short. You know it makes sense?

#4 Parent Nelson - 2014-04-05
Re EF English First Hohhot is crap!!!!

OK So I deleted a previous message I wrote, was being a bit too harsh in a moment of anger and don't want to stoop to the low levels of others.

All I can say is, teachers at EF Hohhot are treated incredibly unfairly, and at this moment in time there are some very vicious teachers working there (although in the minority). They will go to any means to be promoted and to suck up to managers.

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