Return to Index › WARNING: Golden Bridge: Dongyang Shandong Prov. - ESL school review
#1 Parent Tunoi - 2007-03-12
Re: WARNING: Golden Bridge: Dongyang Shandong Prov. - ESL school review

I know that school from 2003; yes, they are absolutely dirty and dishinest!
Do NOT go there!

#2 Parent Eagle - 2007-03-05
Re: WARNING: Golden Bridge: Dongyang Shandong Prov. - ESL school review

Oh, how I wish such postings as this one were rare and unusual!

Unfortunately, in my years' of experience in China (which will end VERY SOON), such stories and observations are almost the norm around this country.

For those outside of China who might be reading this -- take heed!

Despite its unique attractions, China is a very bad place in general, for foreign teachers to work. The students will mostly be kind, but the rest of it: school "managers," contract terms, etc., will be a tangled and messy web of bizarre behavior and notions, and all quite unreliable and often, unbelievable (in more ways than one)!

And don't fall for the "China is a developing country" crap (as justification for your pitiful salary and poor working conditions) because plenty of people are buying condos and limos from the profits they make from desperate parents and earnest, well-intentioned foreigners. We are viewed as cash cows, not educators here.

Look elsewhere if you wish to teach English outside your home country!

ESL Teacher - 2007-03-05
WARNING: Golden Bridge: Dongyang Shandong Prov. - ESL school review

Be vary wary of this school, its in a dirty little town with nothing to do, the salary is small, and frequently paid late and not in the correct amounts.

Some contract terms are unreasonable, they want each teacher to be liable for the well being of the student in the class, by this I mean fully responsible in the event of any accident or problem.

They are undergoing a management crisis now and the one sure thing you can count on is that games will be played and you will endure a hassling experience.

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