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#1 Parent deech them something - 2014-04-15
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

Spitting in ice cream is crossing the line. It doesn't matter which job, which country, or situation.

#2 Parent Pee'd off and bored - 2014-04-14
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

I live with current DOS? Really? :D

Arnt most teacher running away from something? Working in a chippy or some other minimum paid job?

When the said 'stalker' began his alleged 'stalking' the current DOS was not the DOS.

If the school did shut, we would be relocated to other schools.

#3 Parent Craig - 2014-04-13
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

I was at EF Hohhot for one year. During that time I had 3 DOSes. The first stepped down after run ins with Lily then Grace our CM's over their stupid behavior -making teachers work the same day they flew in from the US after going home to get their visa, charging teachers for damages in their flats which was not their fault. Then Grace became our DOS! Yes a Chinese DOS with no idea how to deal with foreigners who thought we should all work 6 days 40 hours a week while she would turn up at 11 have a 3 hour lunch and go home by 6. She also went off during summer intensive for nearly a month to the UK on holiday but lied that she was caring for her sick dad whilst us teachers had to work 6 days a week even though there was hardly any classes and no need. We had to go in and sit in the office rather than have 2 days off! Also she had been replaced at Baotou for being a bad manager before coming to Hohhot. The Chinese Management are all spoiled little girls who have the right family connections so can't be sacked and who have no idea how to run a business and just use the teachers to get as much money from students as possible but it's the same in most schools here. By the time we got our third DOS the current DOS was on his mission to get the job which he felt he was more entitled to! Everything already posted here is true. He spat in a female teacher's ice-cream because she complained her hours were a bit high, he gave teachers he didn't like more hours whilst his friends were on low hours during intensive. He is not going to have your back unless you suck up his arse like his little groupies do! EF Hohhot will hire anybody (except if your black!) so despite some teachers there thinking "they are the best teachers ever" as quoted by one arrogant knob, it doesn't matter, they have hired alcoholics and perverts who date 18 year old students and not sacked them so anybody can apply and will be accepted. When I was hired I was under the impression I didn't require a degree which as I don't have one was my main reason for going to Hohhot but I discovered they do require one so will fake it and not tell you. You can get a job without a degree anywhere in China despite people telling you otherwise. Most teachers I know have no degrees. If you are set on going to Hohhot there are better schools such as New Oriental, Little London, Forwards etc. EF Hohhot has become like a school playground with bullies, cliques and bad management and I was glad to move on. I loved the kids I taught and I made Western and Chinese friends for life but I never considered re-signing for another year and I would never work for them again. The school needs to sack its management team both Chinese and Foreign and start afresh.

#4 Parent Greg - 2014-04-10
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

I heard the last guy left, thats like 3 DOS' in three years? What the hell do they do to them?

Simple the woman in charge is an idiot! Anyone with good or progressive ideas for the school is out, any one who just goes along with whatever silly ideas she comes up with is in.

#5 Parent Greg - 2014-04-10
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

the current DOS will try and help you with any issues you have

Really?!?! I think what you meant to say is "if the current DOS considers you a friend then he will try and help you with any issues ... well if he thinks it won't hinder him climbing the corporate ladder."

for those of us that want to work in a professional workplace this is what we've asked for.

So I assume when you say "those of us" you are referring to yourself (the current DOS's partner) and another teacher I won't name or as you have become popularly known as 'members of camp K***. The current DOS couldn't care less about what the other teachers feel, want or need.

Yeah, there are issues here and working in a chinese workplace with chinese management isnt the greatest experience
- mostly because, as a westerner, they are pretty much seen as idiots who make incompetent decisions.

Sure the Chinese management aren't great ... actually they are abysmal but a teacher should be able to rely on their DOS to act in their best interests a good DOS should be able to counteract poor behavior on the part of Chinese management and keep their staff happy. A teacher should be able to come to work without fear of being bullied, isolated and victimized. A teacher should be able to work in a place where they aren't picked on for everything from appearance and accent to the way they eat and their lifestyle outside of the school.

#6 Parent jiaoshi - 2014-04-10
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

Pee'd off and bored -- The only reason I'm writing this response is because your post was so biased. You live with the current DOS, of course you will support him. I have a problem with others that post that are obviously disgruntled employees, but you should have been upfront with your relationship status.

The current DOS has pretended to spit in someone's food, continually made fun of teachers, sucked up to the Chinese management (for his personal gain, and current position), and is an all around bully. He talked a good talk, but was not a team player and put his personal interests above everyone and everything. Ten years of management? A security guard is not management. The current DOS left the UK to escape bill collectors and child support payments.

Salary paid on time? I understand from the few remaining foreign teachers that the current DOS has said several times in the last two weeks that "the lights will be turned off at the school" shortly. If you're one of the few foreign teachers considering coming here, take that into consideration -- you may not have a job in a month.

Stalking? The "member of staff" doing the "stalking" of another member of the staff is still employed there. I'm not sure how the current DOS helped with that issue, and am concerned why more was not done. This is a huge safety issue.

#7 Parent LL Crew - 2014-04-08
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

EF's suck, I work in Hohhot at the moment but haven't worked for EF. I have met many of the teachers who have worked there over the past few years and one thing they all have in common is that they're all pissed of like you with the school they work in. All I know is that the school I work in doesn't have half the shit that place does so why do you all bother to stay?! I heard the last guy left, thats like 3 DOS' in three years? What the hell do they do to them? Good luck to you but really why do you put up with that kind shit work place, when you could just go somewhere better? People are nuts! I understand if you don't have a degree it limits your options but seriously you don't have to stay just because of that! Ok I work at another school which I know lots of people look down their noses at, but at least I enjoy going to work! There is more to life than a salary and a clean t-shirt, jeez!!

#8 Parent Nelson - 2014-04-05
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

The current DOS' teacher profile says he has worked in education for five years or similar.. that's not true. I never mentioned anything about needing degrees. I said it's unjust that he should lie about his experience.

What has anyone's mother got to do with anything??

The previous DOS had over a year's more experience, not only eight months.

Fair enough, people shouldn't be dressed like 'gypo's' or be late for class. But bitching, lying and bad-mouthing certainly isn't how anyone should go about being promoted.

#9 Parent Pee'd off and bored - 2014-04-05
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!

OK, as a current (pissed off) teacher at Hohhot let me set the record straight.

The current DOS has never lied about his work experience (why would he?!) as for education, I can count on one hand the number of teachers sat in this teaching room with Degrees. The previous two DOS' had no degrees so thats not really a factor is it?

EF Hohhot has been run like a holiday camp, people turning up late for class and looking like gypo's. The current DOS is trying to change this, its not everyone's cup of tea but for those of us that want to work in a professional workplace this is what we've asked for. He has nearly three years teaching experience (only around 8 months less than the previous DOS) and over 10 years management experience.

At the end of the day, man up!!! Your mother doesnt work here! Yeah, there are issues here and working in a chinese workplace with chinese management isnt the greatest experience - mostly because, as a westerner, they are pretty much seen as idiots who make incompetent decisions.

BUT, your salary will be paid on time and the current DOS will try and help you with any issues you have; whether its being stalked by another member of staff or needing a new uniform.

#10 Parent Nelson - 2014-04-04
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