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#1 Parent Lucky Strike Larry - 2014-04-14
Re Yuming Education Centre

our" English? Wrong again! You form part of an English language community because by accidence of history you were born into it. Within that community, there are different levels/shades/speaking and writing styles, and "Tinglish" may be one of them

Absolutely, and we must take advantage of chance. The spitting cobra developed his spit by chance development. How would he (the snake)feel if every upstart foreign snake tried to emulate him, making a rotten job of it?? I can't claim all the glory for this new word Tinglish. Some of the credit must go to you for providing the T. you still have not given a satisfactory explanation for your 'D' in deecher? Hee hee haw haw, open your gob and make us roar.

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