Return to Index › Re Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China
#1 Parent Corah - 2014-05-13
Re Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China

Qingdao (Tsingtao) in particular is known for the fact that schools and "schools" over there often provide rotten and sub-standard accommodation to their foreign teachers. The salaries they pay is nothing to write home about either.

Forget about Qingdao and that province!

#2 Parent Rez - 2014-05-13
Re Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China

It's china buddy.. Other places are totally better than in binzhou and I know coz this school huamei pays it's teachers in cash all of the time but they also delayed salary payouts to their native teachers and always prepare at the last minute and they will always critizice the native speakers telling them that they are not good teachers at all.. And send nasty emails lieing about it..

#3 Parent Tsingtao - 2014-05-13
Re Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China

Actually, Qingdao itself is not so bad, but the pollution in the province in general is pretty terrible. But that's all China, even HK....if quality of life is what you aim for and seek, better to live and teach elsewhere, but that's china 101 imho.

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