Return to Index › Re: Save yourself from HELL!!!!= STAY AWAY from Shane English Schools (AILE), Dongying, Shandong !!!
#1 Parent THOMAS - 2014-05-19
Re: Save yourself from HELL!!!!= STAY AWAY from Shane English Schools (AILE), Dongying, Shandong !!!

As a former teacher at Shane, I can tell you that my experience was a bit different than the experiences of other people. The person who posted the original thread is fortunate to not have been black listed. I personally enjoyed the time I spent there and the people I met. Yeah, it isn't perfect, but some of the people I met would be lucky to hold down a job anywhere. There was a lot of un-professionalism, incompetency and insubordination towards the job and staff. However, some of that falls on the shoulders of the people who hire "teachers" with no degrees and no experience. Not to say there were not exceptions, but many people Shane hires are simply out of desperation. I personally worked with a great bunch of guys whom I respect and stay in touch with.

#2 Parent Collins D - 2013-08-05
Re: Save yourself from HELL!!!!= STAY AWAY from Shane English Schools (AILE), Dongying, Shandong !!!

In regards to this thread I find this whole sherade hugely typical of Shane.
Firstly you have someone who despite naming people in their post, has clearly been working
In an unprofessional environment and wants to deter any newcomers of having to witness the same events as they have.
Will, Jacob and Wayne , your replies to this post just echo what this person is trying to illustrate.

I myself have been an employee at Shane English School many years ago in Shandong.
I agree with the notion that this company does not value the education and welfare of their students.
Furthermore, nor do they have the ability or moral concern for delicate situations regarding foreign staff.
I managed to complete my contract and leave easily enough, although there was a "misundertanding" which lead
to my final salary being paid later than first discussed.
During my employment with Shane I also witnessed some unprovoked immature behaviour directed from the manager to a teacher leaving.
Therefore this initial post doesn't not surprise me, nor do I question the integrity of the original writer.

"Wayne, " you seem like an educated individual who values their job. However people in glasshouses
should not throw stones!

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