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#1 Parent TeacherD - 2015-01-21
Re BKS Thailand

BKS has been the most disappointing company I have worked for in my teaching career. Unreliable for an airport pickup, unreliable for transportation to the assigned city/school. You may not get your work visa for a long time and risk getting deported as several employees have. Find another company.

#2 Parent Sarah Antaya - 2014-05-25
Re BKS Thailand


I am from The TEFL Adventure (, a North American based recruitment agency. I deal directly with Bangkok Success. I would highly recommend them! I am not recommending them because I work with them, I work with them because I feel really comfortable and confident with the company.

Shoot me an email and I can talk with you about the jobs they offer. My email is


Dubius Maximus - 2014-05-23
BKS Thailand

Does anyone have any experience with BKS Thailand?

Here is there website, which appears typical of almost all agency sites:

Their response to a query was by someone named "Eli," who did not give his last name.

Having an office on the 16th floor suggests the company is well financed and one suspects that such a business in Thailand may be owned by someone with government connections.

Any comments appreciated.

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