Return to Index › JR English, Korea (an online English school)
#1 Parent Jiggy - 2015-02-23
Re JR English, Korea (an online English school)

Hi! were you paid by JR English for your work, they are hiring me now as an online English teacher

#2 Parent jacob - 2014-05-31
Re JR English, Korea (an online English school)

Hi working with them now into third month, wondering if I'm going to get paid. Did they ever pay you? What was their excuse.

michaela kee - 2013-07-05
JR English, Korea (an online English school)

Please do not accept any job from JR English. They do not pay their teachers.
I worked for them for more than 7 months. I gave 1 months notice and even stayed on into May as they had not found a new teacher. I still have not been paid for April and May, despite repeated email requests from me and excuses from them. JR English also never pays on time even when you do get paid.

I left them because I have a great job with a reputable online company that pays on time (if not earlier) and has excellent teacher support.

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