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#1 Parent Barry Richards - 2014-06-02
Re Dali experimental primary school, Foshan, Nanhai, Guangdong

Yeah I did that too... I never lied to you, the guy who was so worried about not even being able to buy coffee in China... I seem to remember sending you a photo of Nescafe Gold blend jar. No, Sorry don't remember telling you not to be honest with others.

So when did he stop needing you then?

"You sound a litter bitter about the way he treated me,was it because he finally got fed up with your paracitic behaviou, if he was your best friend how come he didnt invite you? "

Sorry, could I have this in English please? When I went places I didn't need him to take me by the hand and go there, like he did with you and Jolien.

No Mark, I was not jealous of the way he treated you.

#2 Parent Mark Wheeler - 2014-06-02
Re Dali experimental primary school, Foshan, Nanhai, Guangdong

Priceless, so how much of a salary did you give up to earn An ESL salary?

Thats the point Barry, i choose to give the salary to try and do some good for the world and teach children. Instead i ended up being lied to by you and Kevin about the school. Do you remember the time Kevin asked me to do a skype interview with a foreign teaher. I was honest and up front with her when she asked about an expat community in Dali, which consisted of 3. After you told me i shouldnt be so honest because it might put them off coming to such a rat hole?

I dont forget anything my friend and it would be best you remember that.

I never said he didnt treat me well for a time, when he needed me. As for Hainan, its not like he paid for it, i did because i wanted to go, and the holiday sucked by the way.

I never asked him to sleep on a camper bed next to me whilst i slept. Where as my girlfriend did do some good and actually stay with me during the day whilst i was awake.

You sound a litter bitter about the way he treated me,was it because he finally got fed up with your paracitic behaviou, if he was your best friend how come he didnt invite you?

Anyway its more about the school, their integrity and how they treat foreigns, not about your childish jealousy.

#3 Parent Barry - 2014-06-02
Re Dali experimental primary school, Foshan, Nanhai, Guangdong

So why did you give up that life of being a top notch high flying banker to go to what you describe as a rat infested hell hole to teach English? haha Priceless, so how much of a salary did you give up to earn An ESL salary?

As for lying to everyone and trying to convince everyone I have integrity, why should I tell you anything about where I'm going and what I'm doing.

but lets get back on topic, you were treated really badly by Kevin and the school... Hmmm, he took you to Hainan with him, you went with your girlfriend Jolien to the hot springs in san shui with him, various other trips you went on. For months you and Jolien were like his sons new parents. He stayed with you for ten nights in the hospital after your accident but he treated you really badly, enlighten me as to where to all went wrong.

By the way work in a factory soldering wires on ac units, you can believe what you like.

#4 Parent Mark Wheeler - 2014-06-01
Re Dali experimental primary school, Foshan, Nanhai, Guangdong

Haha priceless, so you lied to everyone (your friends and colleague of 7years) about where you said you were going to work in the Uk and you are tring to convince everyone you have integrity!

Sorry your not really building a very good picture of yourself now are you!

As for me supposedly being a failed mortgage advisor, i guess i am if you count working for the largest lender in the uk and successfully completing more than 3million pounds worth of mortgages in a month and consistantly being in the top 10 in my department as well as being number 1 in the south west region on 2 seperate occassikns then yes. What a failure i was. I guess different people have different barometers.

Keep soldering those wires on those AC units Barry. Wow top of the world mate, living the dream aint ya!

#5 Parent Barry - 2014-06-01
Re Dali experimental primary school, Foshan, Nanhai, Guangdong

You're absolutely right they will employ pretty much anyone... Funny you went there too though didn't you? Where did your degree certificate come from then? What qualifications do you have then apart from being a failed mortgage advisor?

After not being fired I went back to England, true... and the information you have about where I worked was what I gave you... didn't think I told you where I really went did you? if you did you are more stupid than we all think you are.

#6 Parent Mark - 2014-06-01
Re Dali experimental primary school, Foshan, Nanhai, Guangdong

Haha, you are absolutely right. This school will and can employ pretty much anyone with no qualifications or documents. Amazingly Degrees and TEFL certificates just appear out of no where.

After being fired Barry went back to the uk to be a wire solderer in some factory in Essex, a pretty big leap back from an "experienced" "qualified"" teacher of 7 years haha. [edited]

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