Return to Index › Joy Language school - ESL school review
#1 Parent Exalta - 2007-03-23
Re: Joy Language school - ESL school review

Perhaps a sub-standard language school but certainly no "joy" to work there. Better call it "Trouble Sub-Standard Language School".

John - 2007-01-26
Joy Language school - ESL school review

I have taught in 4 diffrent schools in China and this was my 4th school. I wanted a nice clean school and I foundJoy school. They seemned nice at first but sonn turned on me. They would phone me on days off to work at first it was ok but it was all the time. Then on the contracty it say's 4 weeks paid holiday. First they would not let me go on holidays till they finally gave in and then thet would not pay me. My house bills where through the roof(most schools dont make u pay bills for the house). My boss was then stealin g money from my pay and when I asked her she would lie to me (I have been to three schools). Finally I just did the dash.

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