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#1 Parent Loretta Smuthers - 2014-09-12
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

I not realize they speak Spanish in Spain. I always think they speak Chinese.
Your Chinese not good. No numbers for tone in Pinyin, you smug, go back in school!

I didn't realize they spoke Chinese in Spain.
#2 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-12
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

Fair enough; the posting handle is similar however. I will retract my statement and offer an apology to you here.

#3 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-11
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

You've addressed this entire post to me, but it was a different poster entirely who wrote the points you address below. Do pay attention.

#4 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-11
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

Hey materialistic city girl,

I am not in Spain; but Chinese in Spain do speak Chinese, how do I know that? Because I damn well heard them speaking about me and my uncle (politely I might add) in a huge warehouse style shop full of chinese imports near his home in Cadiz, so get your facts straight. You know sod all about spain, I bet you don't even speak any spanish, although I will give you the benefit of the doubt on that fact for now.

I never claimed to be able to write in chinese characters. I can only write a couple of them, I can read and understand some of them however. Stop making false assertions. I don't care about the numbers, I can speak and listen and that is good enough for me, and stop with the old man stuff also, I am 37, and so what if I was 67, I would still be happier with a chinese woman than I would with [edited] End of story!!!

#5 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

Any time you want to take a long weekend in España, me amigo, me casa es sua casa! JB is available here, we can burn an EF shirt and toast old times! Play rooster for Chris, eat tofu for Angie, watch a movie for pops, talk about breasts for moni and I named my dog after Vince's nickname so he's here in spirit lol!

I think we'be got us covered with the JB and EF bashing lol!!

#6 Parent AnotherEXEFDLteacher - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

We should have a JB Thursday sometime, matey!! Even if we have to do it over Skype!

I miss JB Thursdays!

Unfortunately my last post was edited. I just wanted to tell Turd noi to get lost.

#7 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

Hand Solo, you have no idea how much I laughed reading this!

The Farce is alive and well and living on the ESLTeachersboard, lol.

It begins with ducks! ;)

And I understand this makes little sense to most people reading this, but to my ex-colleague and friend, anotherEXEFDLteacher, it makes perfect sense!

We should have a JB Thursday sometime, matey!! Even if we have to do it over Skype!

#8 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

More importantly, as english is the language of the dying soon to be disunited kingdom, and has parallels with rome, how is your Chinese? hao bu hao?

Disunited is not a word. The opposite of united is divided. I honestly pity your students at this point.

And my Chinese isn't great seeing as I haven't lived there for 3 years and when I did live there I spent more time focusing on the needs of my students than I did on the local language. I learned enough to get by. But as I doubt we'll see a mass Chinese invasion and hostile takeover of the English language in any of our lifetimes, so I'm not really that worried!

#9 Parent AnotherEXEFDLteacher - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

Concerned teacher,

how is your Chinese? hao bu hao?

I didn't realize they spoke Chinese in Spain.

Obviously you need to brush up your knowledge of writing Chinese in 拼音. Your 'hao bu hao' should have some numbers next to them to indicate which tone the phrase is spoken in. I bet you are one of those old men who married a Chinese girl and depends on her to hold his 鸡巴 when he goes to the toilet.

#10 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

That said, my English is still better than yours!

More importantly, as english is the language of the dying soon to be disunited kingdom, and has parallels with rome, how is your Chinese? hao bu hao?

#11 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-09
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

Your input on my grammar also shows that you are following what is called "prescriptive" grammar on how people should use grammar (very much of that Oxford grammar stuff is about that and not how people are using it).
I see, so what you're saying is: Yes, you corrected my grammar in to how it should be used, but that's not actually how people use it?

In a word: Hogwash.

Nobody is using 'but' as a coordinating conjunction. Nobody is using the word convenient in place of the word comfortable. Nobody is using any of the grammar that you did intenionally, and if they are they are as wrong as you were to use it!

Yes, language evolves. It is fluid and it changes. It doesn't mean it is correct to say "such a more" or conscious in place of confident!

And those 6 mistakes were from just a few posts on this thread, a glance at your many other posts I'm sure would reveal more, but the point has already been made.

CELTA/DELTA level doesn't make you an expert really, or does it?
Nope, but then I never claimed it did. I am constantly learning, I study in my spare time and I find teaching to be a constant source of personal growth.

That said, my English is still better than yours!

Still laughing?
Actually, yes!
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