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#1 Parent YOU are the SPAMMER - 2007-03-31
YOU are the SPAMMER - ESL school review

Stop plastering your spam dumbass, get off the couch, brush the grease and chips off your shirt and go find yourself a real job, spam-o-holic.

#2 Parent Alice In Wonderland - 2007-03-28
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

As I mentioned in this thread, they helped me to discuss contractual disagreements that came up between the school and I. When the school asked for me to pay for things, i.e. physical exam, travel expenses, and other minor fees associated with my housing, they discussed the matters with the school and acted as an advocate for my abilities, experiences, and generally for my side of the issue. I didn't have to have a confrontation about these things with the school leaders, which frequently can lead to arguments and hostilities, but all I had to do was to continue to do the best job that I can teaching English. It was a great relief for me to have someone to go to bat for me, leaving me to focus on what's important to me, which is teaching. I don't like to argue over issues with my boss, who is also my landlord, sort of, and the person through whom my ability to remain in China is made possible, with my work visa. So, no they didn't fix the backed up toilet, or fold my laundry, or hold my hand. They did make relating to my school leaders easier, since they knew what to say, when I might not have said the right things to get what I was asking for.

#3 Parent Alice In Wonderland - 2007-03-28
Re: Spammity SPAM - ESL school review

I've never received SPAM from them and only received an email and phone call after sending them my resume.

#4 Parent ESL Teacher - 2007-03-27
Spammity SPAM - ESL school review

Apparently another description you forgot to add is that AmericanESL are spammers.

#5 Parent Grunions in a frying pan - 2007-03-27
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

Great! Thanks!
Exactly what did they do for you? Did they negotiate your contract? Get you an inexpensive flight, and ensure you would be reimbursed for it? Get you the proper visa? Fix broken stuff in your apartment? Arbitrate problems to your satisfaction after you started employment?
I'm just wondering specifically what they did for you.

#6 Parent Alice In Wonderland - 2007-03-27
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

For their contact info, just read the job boards at this site or Google them. Go to and see their new postings. There are two people I've dealt with directly, Matt and Joy. I've dealt with Patricia just briefly. I can certainly attest to the honorable nature of Matt and Joy. My name is Julie. Good luck with finding a great job in China - they are out there! I hope all your experiences are excellent ones!

#7 Parent Malice in Greenland - 2007-03-27
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

I got a metaphor once, on my neck. But it went away after a couple days of putting acne cream on it. I haven't seen the DVD, but I think there was a book by the same name also.

No, but really, if you could give us a contact name and email and phone number for your recruitor at ESL American Center, and your name as a reference, we could go to them the next time we are looking for jobs and want to be treated honorably.

#8 Parent Alice In Wonderland - 2007-03-27
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

Alas, it's true that skeptics will try to question the reputation of good people after having been burned by the fires of bad people. It's absolutely prudent to check the authenticity of offers of high salaries. I would never tell someone to take an offer from an agent or school in China at face value. In my personal dealings with AmericanESLCentre, they have been nothing but helpful, diplomatic, and reassuring to me. I think that until one has dealt with them first-hand, one might keep your commentary to oneself. They are good, honest, hard-working people that care about teachers, schools, and China, a true rarety in the agent biz these days. So, if you're going to take the trip down the rabbit hole, better to have someone that will help you to decide which cake to eat (which school), which tonic to drink (which contract to accept), and the rules of croquet (how to get around China), lest you hear the Queen (LingDao) shouting, "Off with His/Her Head!" (If you don't get the metaphor, rent the DVD.)

#9 Parent TheLordOfSomehting - 2007-03-26
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

Ah, AmericanESL center.....
To me, they do not appear to be what you claim...
Fact is this site is full with their job ads like "No degree required", "come now", etc.
No degree required and a lot of money (7000 RMB/month and above) be too good to be true...
Where the hell will they place you with any qualification lacking? ...
If you know China a bit you will also feel they promise paradise on earth, and I am simply not stupid enough to believe all that crap!
Reading somehting like this turns my alarm clock on..
I do not know them but I would not trust them at all because of their fancy promises that are very unlikely to match reality!

#10 Parent The Mad Hatter - 2007-03-26
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

The original post must be made in a sarcastic mode surely. Look at the posters name tag. Alice in Wonderland,? you would have to be if you believed this cr*p. As reputations go, American ESL figures somewhat lower than Atilla the Hun. Search the message boards, you see them mentioned more than a few times.

Nice try though Alice. I believe every word.. dughhhhh.

#11 Parent Pushme-pullyou - 2007-03-25
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

I met the Queen of Sheeba once, and I don't think you're her.

No, seriously now.....did the American ESL Center die or something? That sounded like a very nice eulogy.

#12 Parent The Mad Hatter - 2007-03-25
Re: Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

Oh Yeah, And I'm the Queen Of Sheeba !!!!!!!!!!!

Alice In Wonderland - 2007-03-25
Reliable, Honorable, Dependable - ESL school review

Finally, an agent you can count on!!AmericanESLCentre is the best, most trust-worthy group of people I have worked with in China. They truly look after the best interests of the teacher, helping to get the basic necessities in your contract, plus things like bonuses and other perks you may wish for. The whole office staff there has experience and can help you to find a reliable school to work for. If you have issues that come up between you and your school, they will go to bat for you, just as they did for me. The teacher can avoid confrontational arguments with the administration of the school, which too often leads to drama we really don't need. At the same time, AmericanESLCentre is fair to the schools, pairs the teachers who are best qualified for the particular school's needs, has the students in mind, and knows how important it is to some of the teachers here that all the parties benefit from the foreign presence in China. With so many agents running amok around China, ripping off teachers, ripping off schools, stealing passports, telling lies, breaking promises, and taking advantage of those of us who really love teaching in China, it's a scary scene to get through alone. Teachers: have confidence that AmericanESLCentre are real, compassionate, honest people who can help you avoid the situations that we read of and are horrified by on the black lists and in job review boards like this one. When my school tried the bait and switch, the staff stepped up and stood by me, didn't back down, and the school had to make changes, or rather, keep their promises. Everyone at AmericanESLCentre kept me calm when I was on the brink of panic. Your experience in China should be a memorable, not horrible one, and AmericanESLCentre can help you create that. If this sounds like an ad, or whatever, it's not. After teaching in China as long as I have, I know how rare reliable, honorable, and dependable agents are. (No, they're not paying me for this!!!! They don't even know!!!!)

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