Return to Index › Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin
#1 Parent Fifi - 2014-09-21
Re: Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin

I already sent an email to the editor of this site.
Let's see....

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-09-21
Re: Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin

Thanks. It means a lot considering the constant abuse I get from some on here!

#3 Parent BeenThere - 2014-09-21
Re: Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin

I agree, Londongirl. You are not alone here.
At all.

#4 Parent Beth - 2014-09-21
Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin

I have said I have no respect for any former or current EF deechers whatsoever

What a ridiculously biased and foolish thing to say! You judge a teacher on thier ability, not where they work/ have worked! You should have no respect for a teacher who admittedly does the bare minimum for his classes, someone who admits he teaches only to fund his lifestyle... But you won't because they nurse your ego and tell you what you want to hear. You are not a man of principles, as you'd have people believe, you just want to be the big fish in this little pond, and you sacrifice the rights of the students in order to get that. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Some people are able to rise above and teach well in bad places. Avoid teacher is a good teacher, no matter where they work. Your idiotic bias prevents you from seeing the truth... Willful ignorance, Turnoi. Willful ignorance.

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