Return to Index › Wrong again, Turnoi! It's becoming a habit!
#1 Parent Beth - 2014-09-21
Re Wrong again, Turnoi! It's becoming a habit!

Looks fun! I spent the day forward planning for start of term next week! I'm using a new course book for one of my FCE classes this year, so I want to be fully up to speed with the content!

Want to swap?! Haha!

And I know he won't, but I like to see how deep a hole he digs whilst trying to justify not apologising to you!

#2 Parent Somebody - 2014-09-21
Re Wrong again, Turnoi! It's becoming a habit!

Oh, he'll never apologize.

Living well is always the best path.

Had a little fun on the rocks near Xing Hai Park today.

#3 Parent Beth - 2014-09-21
Wrong again, Turnoi! It's becoming a habit!

Ahhh, back to the safety of 'fake poster'... I wondered how long that would take!

They are different people! You just got it wrong, simple as that!

Now apologise to Somebody for all this nonsense and let's move on... Or by all means continue with your paranoia.

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