Return to Index › Re The Pretend "expert" on Chinese ending up as baker of pies with flies...what an "achivement" in life.....hahahhahaha
#1 Parent Somebody - 2014-09-21
Re The Pretend "expert" on Chinese ending up as baker of pies with flies...what an "achivement" in life.....hahahhahaha

The funny thing is that while he must continue to bake pies with flies, my books continue to sell and generate a nice extra income each month that I am free to donate to some trustworthy projects or to keep for myself to buy a new computer, software or books.........Hahahahahahahahaha

Somehow I seriously doubt all that many people are buying your yellow xiao huangdi book.

Return to Index › Re The Pretend "expert" on Chinese ending up as baker of pies with flies...what an "achivement" in life.....hahahhahaha

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