Return to Index › Manhattan English Studio Singapore - Watch out!
#1 Parent Lauren Forth - 2015-08-06
Re Manhattan English Studio Singapore - Watch out!

MANHATTAN English Language Studio was acquired by new owners in January 2015. Since that time, several new teachers have come on board and classes have been restructured.

Fleur Gaskin - 2014-10-03
Manhattan English Studio Singapore - Watch out!

Teachers be careful! I worked there for 4 months and Management made many promises about pay, working hours etc but did not deliver. There was no teacher support or feedback and students were put in classes that were too advanced. Teaching resources were not supplied. Textbooks were sometimes too advanced for the students and many classes were not given listening CDs. I never received the teacher’s textbook they agreed to provide. Do not work for this school without an iron clad, extremely specific contract.

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