Return to Index › Re China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou - Hongtao Wu is guilty by association!!!!
#1 Parent Beth - 2014-11-13
Re China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou - Hongtao Wu is guilty by association!!!!

No, when did I say you did?

You should note from the word "precisely" that I was agreeing with you in your disagreement of the post you were responding to...

I should know better by now to expect rationality from one of Turnoi's troll troupe...

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-11-13
Re China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou - Hongtao Wu is guilty by association!!!!

Did I dismiss the use of games completely? [edited]

#3 Parent Beth - 2014-11-12
Re China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou - Hongtao Wu is guilty by association!!!!

I'd argue that certain games can work with uni students, but they must be strictly a novelty and used appropriately in relation to the lesson's topic.
They can't be of a childish nature though.

Precisely! I'm not sure why there is the assumption that it has to be all or nothing? Nobody has suggested you spend an each lesson, every lesson, playing games... Balance is the key word, one I have tried to highlight on numerous occasions. But to dismiss the use of them completely is showing your limitations as an educator.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-11-12
Re China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou - Hongtao Wu is guilty by association!!!!

I'd argue that certain games can work with uni students, but they must be strictly a novelty and used appropriately in relation to the lesson's topic.
They can't be of a childish nature though.

If you use games on an excessively regular basis, the seriously focused students tend to sniff you out as some lazy bugger that copied half of their lessons off various ESL websites. Not to mention that if you look at some of the shite that gets self-published on here, that is a seriously bad idea.

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